
shí zhēn
  • lithostyle;tentaculocyst
石针[shí zhēn]
  1. 随着针灸的发展,简易的砭石被石针或瓷针所代替。

    As acupuncture developed , the simple ' bian stones ' were replaced by stone and pottery needles .

  2. 地球吸引物体就好像磁铁石吸引针一样。

    The earth pull thing to it just as a magnet pull needle .

  3. 黑液的资源化处理及累托石、针铁矿的吸附解吸行为研究

    Resource-transfer of Paper-making Black Liquor and Study of Absorption and Desorption of Rectorite and Goethite

  4. 但用做后加矿的进口三水铝石矿通常含有针铁矿或铝针铁矿,针铁矿含量过高会导致赤泥沉降、压缩性能变坏,溢流浮游物含量过高。

    But the imported gibbsite bauxite used as sweetening ore usually contains goethite and alumogoethite , which can cause the settling properties of red mud to go bad , the content of overflow suspensions to go too high .

  5. 研究表明,红土风化壳剖面自下而上,伊利石、高岭石减少,三水铝石、针铁矿、赤铁矿增多。

    The study shows that from the bottom to the top of laterite weathering crust profile , illite and kaolin decrease , gibbsite , goethite and hematite increase .