
  • 网络Acupuncture model
  1. 诺文:原理是当他们一起敲打针灸模型,可以和集体潜意识连接起来。

    Debbi rodman : the idea is together they can tap into the collective unconscious .

  2. 诺文:谭辉,他的治疗师们,像安妮达。丹尼尔。加利地,甚至和他的病人们,都一起敲打标有不同能量穴位的针灸模型。

    Debbi rodman : tom , his practitioners like Anita daniel-galletti , and even his patients , bang on an acupuncture training doll , marked with different energy points of the body .

  3. 针灸数据库模型所提出的设计模型可供程序开发参考,使针灸数据库程序开发上有一个框架,让医学人员与程序员参考;

    The design model proposed by this database can be referred for programming and a platform be developed for the reference of medical personnel and programmers .

  4. 他设计铸造了两具针灸铜人模型,在铜人体上精细地刻了十二经脉和354个穴位,供人学习针灸时使用。这是中国最早的医用铜人模型,也是中国针灸教育事业上的一个创举。

    and carefully carved 12 channels and vessels and 354 acupuncture points on the figures for people to use when learning the therapy.This was the earliest bronze human figure for medical use in China .

  5. 针灸中药对模型小鼠肿瘤细胞bcl-2,bax和PCNA表达的影响

    The Effect of Acupuncture , Moxibustion and Chinese Herbs on bcl-2 , bax and PCNA in Cancer Cell of S180 Model Mice

  6. 结果显示,针灸能促使模型动物机体功能活动增强,睾丸生精功能明显改善,精子数量、质量以及生育力显著提高,并使降低的内分泌激素(LH、T、F)水平显著升高。

    Results indicated that acupuncture and moxibustion increased functional activity of the organism , obviously improved spermatic function of the testis , elevated markedly spermatic quantity and quality and fertility , and reduced the remarkable increase of endocrine hormonal ( LH , T , F ) levels .

  7. 本文以激光与人体组织相互作用为主线,根据能量守恒原理,用激光针灸的能量模型来定量研究低强度激光辐射时对皮肤温升的影响,为激光针灸、理疗的临床应用提供理论依据。

    Using energy model of laser acupuncture and moxibustion , we investigated quantitatively the effect of dermal temperature on low power laser irradiation , base on the interaction of laser with human tissue and conservation of energy . The theoretical foundation on their clinical application are presented .

  8. 针灸中药对肿瘤模型小鼠细胞免疫功能影响的实验研究

    Experimental Research on the Effect of Acupuncture , Moxibustion and Chinese Herbs on the Function of Cellular Immunity of Tumor-bearing Mice

  9. 论文核心收集相关针灸的文献期刊、软件与多媒体,提出一个针灸数据库模型,制作一个综合性软件,汇集针灸相关文字信息与影像;

    This paper focuses on a acupoint database model by collecting literature , software and multimedia material involving acupuncture with a view to bring about a comprehensive software gathering literal and video information about acupuncture .