
  • 网络Acicular ferrite;needle-like ferrite;IAF
  1. 结果表明,焊缝金属化学成分和冷却速度是影响针状铁素体(AF)的主要因素,应力对焊缝金属相变的影响很小。

    The composition and cooling rate of the weld metal are the main influencing factors on acicular ferrite .

  2. 针状铁素体/马氏体高强度低屈强比双相钢的EBSD研究

    The EBSD Study on an Acicular Ferrite / Martensite Dual-Phase Steel with High Strength / Low Yield Ratio

  3. 冷却速度对Ti脱氧钢中针状铁素体形成的影响

    Effect of cooling rate on the formation of acicular ferrite in Ti deoxidized steel

  4. X70微合金管线钢组织中针状铁素体细化机制的研究

    Study on the grain refinement mechanism of low carbon micro-alloyed steels for line-pipe applications

  5. 研究结果表明,针状铁素体的微观结构特征,对提高具有针状铁素体为主的混合组织的管线钢的强韧性行为和抗H2S性能具有非常重要的作用。

    Experimental results showed that the microstructural characteristic of acicular ferrite plays important roles in enhancement of strength toughness behavior and H2S corrosion resistance of pipeline steels with acicular ferrite dominated mixed microstructure .

  6. 等温淬火球墨铸铁(AustemperedDuctileIron)是采用等温淬火热处理工艺获得的针状铁素体和高碳奥氏体为主要基体组织的球墨铸铁,简称ADI。

    ADI ( Austempered Ductile Iron ) is a kind of ductile iron with acicular ferrite and high carbon austenitic as its main base structure , which is obtained by the austempering process .

  7. X70针状铁素体管线钢的优点暨恶劣环境下油气输送管道工业的发展

    The Advantage of Spicular Ferrite Pipeline Steel X70 The Development of Transmitting Oil Gas Pipeline Industry in Atrocious Weather

  8. 结果表明:均匀细小的针状铁素体为主的显微组织具有优良的抗SSCC性能;

    The result showed that the microstructure dominated by fine and homogeneous acicular ferrite had the better resistance to SSCC .

  9. 结果表明,在优化后的控轧控冷工艺参数下,X70管线钢得到以针状铁素体为主的均匀细化的理想组织。

    The result shows that the ideal volume fraction of the acicular ferrite would be obtained under good technological parameters .

  10. 借助Gleeble2000热模拟试验机和TEM对Zr,Zr+Ti处理试验钢焊接粗晶区中针状铁素体的形核进行了观察。

    This paper observes the acicular ferrite ( AF ) formation in the welded coarse grain heat affected zone of the Zr and Zr + Ti doped steels by Gleeble 2000 simulated machine and transmission electron microscopy .

  11. 结果表明,在CaF2保护下的C-Mn-Si系合金的焊缝金属中,当Si、Mn匹配在一定范围内,能使焊缝组织出现高比例的针状铁素体。

    The results indicated that a high volumetric ratio of acicular ferrite could be obtained in simulated weld metal microstructure under the shelter of CaF2 when manganese and silicon contents were ina certain range .

  12. 结果表明:随钼的质量分数增加,针状铁素体的含量增加,并且出现了M-A组织。

    The results show that , with the increase of Mo content , the acicular ferrite 's content increases , and M-A microstructure appears .

  13. 通过TEM分析可知,针状铁素体组织典型的形貌为非常微细的亚结构、高位错密度以及部分细板条铁素体,基体上弥散分布着M/A岛和渗碳体。

    TEM images showed that the typical morphology of acicular ferrite is a very fine sub-structure with high dislocation density and part of ultra-fine ferrite , of which the small M / A islands and cementite are dispersing on the matrix .

  14. 采用合适的TMCP工艺,可以在低碳合金管线钢中获得不同组成比的针状铁素体复相组织。

    By using appropriate TMCP process , complex phase of acicular ferrite with different compositions could be obtained in low carbon alloy pipeline steel .

  15. 针状铁素体片以夹杂物为核心呈放射状生长,夹杂物周围的局部合金元素(Mn,Ti等)贫乏区提高铁素体相变温度,有利于针状铁素体在该区优先形核。

    The laths of acicular ferrite nucleated at inclusions grow radially , and the depletion of alloying elements such as Mn and Ti may increase the driving force for ferrite transformation , which will lead to form acicular ferrite preferentially in the region .

  16. 研究结果表明,通过实验室模拟炉卷轧机的控轧控冷工艺,获到了组织性能优异的X65针状铁素体管线钢。

    The results show that the X65 pipeline steel with acicular ferrite produced by Steckel mill rolling has excellent mechanical properties .

  17. 本文采用钨极氩弧熔融来模拟焊缝,研究在CaF2保护下C-Mn-Si系焊缝金属中,影响针状铁素体形成的因素。

    In this paper , an investigation on the factors affecting the formation of acicular ferrite in C-Mn-Si weld metals under the shield of CaF_2 with simulated weld metal melted by TIG arc was described .

  18. 为提高CGHAZ的性能,国内外广泛研究奥氏体晶粒、二次组织和针状铁素体对CGHAZ性能的影响。

    In order to increase properties of CGHAZ , the effect of austenite grain , secondary structure and acicular ferrite on properties of CGHAZ has been investigated widely at home and abroad .

  19. 钢中TiN粒子的存在可促进HAZ针状铁素体的形核,且当钢中Ti/N比值接近理想化学配比3.42时,可明显细化针状铁素体,提高HAZ韧性。

    The existence of TiN particles in steel promoted the nucleation of acicular ferrite in HAZ . When the ratio of Ti / N in the steel approximated the ideal chemistry ratio 3.42 , the acicular ferrite became finer , and it improved the strength and toughness of HAZ .

  20. 对于1.5mm拼焊板,提高焊接速度,加快焊缝冷却,有利于生成细小的针状铁素体,可提高激光拼焊板的成形性能;

    For 1.5 mm tailor-welded blanks , the laser tailor-welded blanks formability will be improved because the spiculate ferrite is yielded when the welding speed and the cooling speed raised .

  21. 试验结果表明,随50%变形后保温时间的延长,钢中针状铁素体及贝氏体数量减少,多边铁素体数量增加,马氏体-奥氏体(M-A)岛尺寸增大,组织中位错密度降低;

    The test results showed that with increasing holding time after reduction 50 % , the amount of acicular ferrite and bainite in steel and the dislocation density in structure decreased , where the size of martensite-austenite ( M-A ) island increased ;

  22. 合理的成分配合最佳的控轧控冷工艺,是X80管线钢获得具有针状铁素体微观组织和高的冲击韧性、优良的低温抗动态撕裂能力的关键。

    Reasonable composition , optimal controlled rolling and cooling have become the key factors for the pipeline steel to get acicular ferrite and properties of high strength , high toughness and excellent ability of resistance to dynamic cracking at the low temperature .

  23. 向焊缝熔敷金属过渡微量的Ti-B和稀土元素,可以有效地抑制先共析铁素体的析出,使焊缝获得细小、均匀的针状铁素体组织。从而提高了焊缝的低温冲击韧性。

    It was effective to resist precipitation of grain boundary ferrite and make fine homogeneous acicular ferrite formation by transferring suitable amount of Ti-B elements and suitable amount of rare earth elements so that it increased low temperature toughness of weld deposited metal .

  24. 结果表明,针状铁素体在实际相变开始温度(约923K)的相变驱动力(绝对值)为450~740J/mol,而且随着贫碳区碳含量的减少而增加。

    The results show that the absolute value range of driving force of acicular ferrite formation at 923 K is from 450 to 740 J / mol , and the driving force in carbon depleted region increases with the reduction of carbon concentration .

  25. 针状铁素体管线钢组织及强韧化机理研究

    Research on microstructure and strength-toughening mechanism of acicular ferrite pipeline steel

  26. 钢的组织主要由针状铁素体和马氏体两相组成。

    Mainly its metallographic structure consists of acicular ferrite and martensite .

  27. 含锆微合金钢焊接区针状铁素体形成观察

    Observation of Acicular Ferrite Formation in the Zr Doped Low Alloy Steel

  28. 回火工艺对针状铁素体钢组织和性能的影响

    Effect of Temper on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Acicular Ferrite Steel

  29. 针状铁素体管线钢焊接热敏感性的研究

    Study of Welding Thermal Sensitivity on Acicular Ferrite Pipeline Steel

  30. 超低碳针状铁素体管线钢的显微特征及强韧性行为

    Microstructural Characteristic and toughening of an ultralow carbon acicular ferrite pipeline steel