
  • 网络acicular structure;B-M
  1. Ga添加量的增加,基体组织由针状组织逐渐转变为规则的细小晶粒组织。

    With the addition of Ga , the acicular structure turned into the fine grains gradually .

  2. 熔覆层组织为树枝状晶和块状物,并且随着WC加入量的增加,枝晶迅速变小;而加入少量稀土氧化物后,使得激光熔覆层组织生长的方向性减弱,针状组织数量增加。

    Cladding layer were dendritic crystal and the lump structure , and with the addition of WC , dendrites become fine rapidly . The direction character of laser cladding becomes weak , and the needle structure increased after the addition of a small amount of rare earth oxides .

  3. 消除低铬白口铸铁中针状组织遗传性的研究

    Study on Eliminating Needlelike Structural Inheritance of Low Chromium Iron

  4. 针状组织球铁轧辊的研制

    Research and manufacture of acicular constituent ball-iron roll

  5. 反应初期的搅拌操作有助于反应体系组成、温度等性质均衡,得到广域的针状组织结构。

    Stirring at the initial reaction stage contributed to balance the composition , temperature , and to form needle structure .

  6. 针状组织数量及针状组织含碳量对硬度影响较大。

    The effect of proportion of the acicular constituent and carbon content in the acicular constituent on the hardness of the samples is even so obvious .

  7. 精轧机架为针状组织球墨铸铁轧辊,同时指出,轧辊制造方法的选择比轧辊材料选择更重要。采用离心浇注复合轧辊有利于提高轧辊的综合性能。

    At the same time , the paper points out that the selection of the manufacture method of roll is more important than its material , and the centrifugal casting method can improve the synthetic properties of roll .

  8. 铝硅合金中的β铁相由于会形成很长的针状组织,对合金的力学性能有害,在定向凝固试验中发现,在过渡区,针状铁相出现断裂现象。

    The formed long needle like β Fe phase in Al Si alloy is harmful to mechanical properties of the alloy . It was found during directional solidification that fracture phenomenon of needle like iron phase in transition zone occurs .

  9. 普通沥青焦在低压时以针状细流线组织为主,高压时以镶嵌型组织和小域组织为主。

    The normal pitch coke at low pressure and high pressure are mainly of acicular flow domain anisotropy , mosaics and small domains respectively .

  10. 管材的化学成分符合质保书以及材料标准要求;但焊缝热影响区晶粒较母材粗大,并出现针状魏氏体组织。

    The chemical constituents of the pipe are qualified to the standard requirement . However , the grain in the heat affected zone of weld is coarser than base metal , and the needle widmanstatten structure appears .

  11. 结果表明:稀土的加入改善了真空熔覆Ni基/WC复合涂层的组织,消除了针状相,使组织更加均匀致密;

    Results revealed that the rare earth contributed to eliminate the needle phase and make the microstructure of the vacuum cladding Ni-based / WC composite coating more uniform and dense .

  12. 通过TEM分析可知,针状铁素体组织典型的形貌为非常微细的亚结构、高位错密度以及部分细板条铁素体,基体上弥散分布着M/A岛和渗碳体。

    TEM images showed that the typical morphology of acicular ferrite is a very fine sub-structure with high dislocation density and part of ultra-fine ferrite , of which the small M / A islands and cementite are dispersing on the matrix .

  13. 向焊缝熔敷金属过渡微量的Ti-B和稀土元素,可以有效地抑制先共析铁素体的析出,使焊缝获得细小、均匀的针状铁素体组织。从而提高了焊缝的低温冲击韧性。

    It was effective to resist precipitation of grain boundary ferrite and make fine homogeneous acicular ferrite formation by transferring suitable amount of Ti-B elements and suitable amount of rare earth elements so that it increased low temperature toughness of weld deposited metal .

  14. 熔敷金属中筐篮编织状针状铁素体组织研究

    Study on the Acicular Ferrite with Basket - Weave Morphology in Deposited Metal

  15. 该钢板以针状铁素体组织为主,晶粒12级。

    It is found that the major part of phase is consisted of needle-like ferrite with grade 12 grain .

  16. 系统地分析了微合金钢焊缝金属中针状铁素体组织的形成条件及特点,对夹杂物粒径、数量进行了统计分析,并阐述了针状铁素体的形核位置。

    The transformation conditions and natures of acicular ferrite in the weld metal of microalloy steels were analyzed systematically .

  17. 结果表明,当获得针状铁素体组织时,钢板具有最佳的综合力学性能。

    The results show that the steel plate has excellent integrated mechanical properties , when it obtain the acicular ferrite .

  18. 为满足高压输气管线的发展,近年来开发了以针状铁素体组织为特征的高性能管线钢。

    In order to meet the requirements of high pressure gas pipeline developments , in recent years spiny ferrite pipeline steel was developed .

  19. 在再结晶和未再结晶温区实施4道次变形可以得到更细的组织,配合较高的冷却速度可以形成部分针状铁素体组织。

    Alternatively , four pass deformation in recrystallization or unrecrystallization temperature ranges could result in rather fine microstructure , and when coupled with moderately high cooling rate , partially acicular ferrite microstructure could be obtained .

  20. 近年来发展了低碳针状铁素体组织的管线钢以适应目前工业输送石油和天然气的要求,现已经成功地应用于中国西气东输管线工程。

    In the recent years , the low carbon spicular ferrite pipeline steel has been developed to meet the requirements of updated transmiting oil and gas pipeline industry , and successful applied into the West to East Pipeline Project .

  21. 结果表明,在再结晶区和未再结晶区的累计变形可以得到更细的组织,950℃以下终轧并快速冷却有利于形成针状铁素体组织。

    The results showed that the fine grain could be got by multiple pass reduction in recrystallization and unrecrystallization zone , and it is available to form acicular ferrite structure with the finishing temperature no more than 950 ℃ and accelerated cooling .