
wèi shì zǔ zhī
  • Widmannstatten structure
魏氏组织[wèi shì zǔ zhī]
  1. 20G冷拔高压锅炉钢管中魏氏组织的生成及消除

    Development and Elimination of Widmannstatten Structure of Cold-drawn 20G High Pressure Boiler Steel Tube

  2. 魏氏组织是20G冷拔高压锅炉钢管所不允许的异常组织。

    As an abnormal structure , the Widmannstatten structure is impermissible for the cold-drawn 20 G high pressure boiler steel tube .

  3. R相的形态类似于上贝氏体或魏氏组织。

    The morphology of R-phase is resemblance to upper bainite or Widmanstatten ferrite .

  4. 观察焊缝的微观金相组织发现,冷、热丝TIG对接焊缝中未出现粗大魏氏组织。

    Coarse Widmanstatten structure does not appear in the weld microstructure of Microscopic observation .

  5. 魏氏组织对20~碳钢H2S应力腐蚀开裂性能的影响

    The effect of Widmanstaten structure on h_2s and stress corrosion ( ssc ) cracking for 20 ~ # steel gas pipeline

  6. 在铸态Ti-Al-(Sc)合金中,金属Sc的添加减少了魏氏组织的体积分数,明显细化了合金的显微组织;

    In as-cast Ti-Al - ( Sc ) alloys , the addition of metal Sc decreased the volume fraction of Widmanstaten and refined the microstructure of alloys ;

  7. TC11合金热影响区的魏氏组织转变为网篮组织;

    The Widmanstatten structure changes into the basket weave structure in the alloy TC11 heat-affected zone of joint .

  8. 发现淬火该钢经560和630℃多次回火后马氏体内孪晶清晰完整,板条马氏体中仍然存在着以魏氏组织形态分布的M3C型碳化物。

    It is found that twins are clear and complete in the martensite after tempering many tinges at 560 and 630 ℃, in plates martensite M_3C carbides still remain with the morpho distribution of widmannstatten structure .

  9. 高强高导CuCo2Be合金的魏氏组织

    Widmanstatten Structure of CuCo_2Be Alloy

  10. 结果表明,焊接接头断裂韧性的薄弱环节在热影响区(HAZ)近熔合线的过热区,该区中粗大的魏氏组织和部分组织遗传现象是导致低韧性脆化的主要原因。

    The testing results showed that the weakest fracture toughness of welded joints was at the overheated zone of HAZ nearing the bond line , and the low toughness brittle failure was caused by the existance of the widmanstatten structure and structural heredity of HAZ .

  11. 亚共析钢魏氏组织的组织遗传现象研究

    Research on the hereditary phenomena of widmanstatten patterns in hypoeutectoid steels

  12. 魏氏组织表面浮突的扫描隧道显微镜研究

    STM study on the surface relief effects associated with widmanstatten ferrite

  13. 魏氏组织铁素体的亚结构及其对裂纹扩展的影响

    Substructure of Widmanstatten ferrite and its effect on crack propagation

  14. 亚共析钢中魏氏组织的研究概况

    A Surver of the Research on Widmanstatten in Hypoeutectoid Steel

  15. 魏氏组织对齿轮强度的危害及其控制方法

    The Damage of Widmanstatten Structure to Gear Strength and its Control Method

  16. 亚共析钢中魏氏组织对材料脆化倾向的影响

    The Effect of Widmanstatten Ferrite on The Embrittlement Tendency of Hypo-Eutectoid Steel

  17. 低碳锰钢魏氏组织的形成及力学性能

    The Formation of Widmanstatten Structure and Study on Mechanical Properties in Low Carbon Manganese Steel

  18. 通过对几种细化晶粒方法的比较,提出采用二次正火可细化晶粒并消除魏氏组织。

    The results show that secondary normalizing can remove the wustite structure and make grain refining .

  19. 魏氏组织的浮突高度为70&450nm,最大形状变形约0.36。

    The height of relief is 70-450 nm , and the maximum shape deformation is ca. 0.36 .

  20. 周志宏对魏氏组织及马氏体的形成和形貌的早期金相研究

    The Early Metallographic Studies of Chih-Hung Chou on the Formation and Morphology of Widmanstatten Structure and Martensite

  21. 有魏氏组织的试样较呈等轴铁素体的试样有更高的冲击韧性和更低的韧脆转变温度。

    The specimens with Widmanstatten structure have higher impact strength and lower ductile-brittle transition temperature than those with equiaxial granular ferrite structure .

  22. 魏氏组织的存在,可降低材料的断裂韧度,对齿轮强度有致命危害。

    The existence of the Widmanstatten structure can reduce foe fracture toughness of the material and bring about fateful damage to gear strength .

  23. 结果表明,由于连杆锻后宽度尺寸不够,在增加了热矫形工序后造成其变形量处于临界变形区,导致分模面切边带区出现严重的混晶和魏氏组织。

    The result showed hot sizing was the main factor to cause critical deformation , to make mixed grain and coarse grain widmanstatten appear in parting face .

  24. 而魏氏组织比相同晶粒的铁素体+珠光体组织性能好,主要是魏氏铁素体内含有高密度位错所致。

    The proper - ties of Widmanstatten are better than those of Ferrite and Pearlite of the same crystal grains because Widmanstatten Ferrite has a higher dislocation density .

  25. 对热影响区较硬的粗晶魏氏组织和铁素体组织冲击韧性的优劣进行了对比,分析了组织结构和应力分布对材料失效的影响,对裂纹起始源和扩展方式进行了探讨。

    Initiative place of cracks and extend model , structure configuration and stress distribution is discussed deeply by comparing the W structure and ferrite impacting toughness in heat affected zone .

  26. 该项研究描述了铁碳合金中魏氏组织和马氏体的形成,所用合金具有宽的碳含量范围,热处理时采用的冷却速率范围也是宽的。

    The research describes the formation of Widmanstatten structure and martensite in iron-carbon alloys possessing a broad range of carbon contents and heat treated using a broad range of cooling rates .

  27. 结果表明,焊接后焊缝区和热影响区的组织与母材的组织差别很大,表现为魏氏组织特征;

    The results show that , after welding , microstructure of the weld zone and the heat affected zone are different from the parent metal , showing characteristics of weave structure .

  28. 证明了横梁开裂是因为翼板中存在带状组织和夹杂物,由于焊接线能量过大导致焊接热影响区出现魏氏组织和翼板中的夹杂物进入焊缝,在焊接应力的作用下产生了开裂。

    The results show that there existed strip structure and impurities in the heating influence zone , resulting in cracking in the zone occurred under welding stress due to excessive welding linear energy .

  29. 结果表明,魏氏组织较多、轧制缺陷及夹杂物过多是造成脆断的主要原因,并提出了相应的解决措施。

    By comparing the ribbed bars with brittle fractures to the qualified rebars , it has been found that the widmanstatten structure , the rolling defects and the high inclusion are the major causes .

  30. 结果表明,导管破裂裂纹起源于角焊缝熔合区的焊接微裂纹及粗大的魏氏组织,并在随后的试车中不断扩展而造成导管环状断裂。

    The results of experiments point out that the conduits crack is caused by the microcrack and rough widmanstatten in filler welding region , later in the running test it develops and causes ring-shaped failure .