
  1. 现年57岁的魏应充(WeiYing-chung)是这起丑闻中面临起诉的最出名嫌疑人。丑闻的曝光使得人们纷纷质疑台湾的食品安全,以及该地出口食品的质量。

    Wei Ying-chung , 57 , is the highest-profile suspect to face prosecution over revelations that have raised widespread questions about the safety of food in Taiwan and the quality of its food exports .

  2. 两周前,随着针对该集团旗下公司的调查的深入,检察部门下令将魏应充羁押。

    Prosecutors ordered Mr. Wei be detained two weeks ago as the investigation into the companies expanded .

  3. 本月早些时候,魏应充卸下顶新集团旗下三家分公司的董事长职务,集团还宣布将退出台湾的食用油市场。

    Earlier this month , Mr. Wei stepped down as chairman of three Ting Hsin subsidiaries , and the company announced it was pulling out of the Taiwan market for cooking oil .

  4. 魏应充所在家族拥有顶新国际集团,在饮食行业涉猎广泛,尤其是在中国大陆,集团出品的康师傅方便面随处可见。

    Mr. Wei 's family owns the Ting Hsin International Group , which has broad interests in the food industry , particularly in China , where its Kang Shi Fu instant noodles are ubiquitous .