
  • 网络eutectoid cementite
  1. 共析渗碳体结构与变形行为的透射电镜研究

    TEM Investigation on the Microstructure and Deformation Behavior of Eutectoid Cementite

  2. 铅淬火热处理工艺中一定要控制不出现先共析渗碳体。

    The lead quenching process should be controlled to prevent the codialyzed cement carbon .

  3. 避免碳化物离异共析渗碳体沿铁素体晶界分布的有效措施是将卷取温度降至600~620℃。

    The coil temperature decreasing to 600 ~ 620 ℃ is an available measure to avoid carbides isolation eutectoid - cementite distributing along ferrite grain boundary .