
  1. 共生时代的哲学和伦理基础

    Philosophy and Ethics Foundation in Co-existing Era

  2. 全球化与共生时代

    Globalization And Co existence Era

  3. 为适应共生时代的要求,同时也是交往内在本质的规定,教育交往不是为了塑造单子化的个体主体性,而是生成一种主体间性。

    To meet the demands of coexistence in our times as well as the inherent essence of education , education communication intends not to foster individual subjectivity but to formintersubjectivity .

  4. 然而,共享的行为难以构建高效可持续的学习系统与环境,共享的理念在信息社会与共生时代不断演进与变化,共生的行为与理念逐渐萌生与凸显。

    However , the behavior of " sharing " is difficult to build efficient and sustainable system of learning and the environment , the concept of " shared " in the Information Society and symbiotic era continue to evolve and change .

  5. 建筑构架和表皮的多元共生是时代的要求,也是未来建筑界的一个发展方向。

    It is also the development direction in future architecture .

  6. 人类社会正迈入一个“多元共生的时代”。

    The human society is entering an " age of diverse symbiosis " .

  7. 生态合理性可视为价值多元、共生互利时代道德教育的合理性原则。

    Ecological rationality could be regarded as reality rationality of moral education in multi-value and symbiosis times .

  8. 建筑与环境共生传统与时代交融&福州寿山馆建筑创作思路浅谈

    Coexistence Of Architecture Environment And Blend Of Tradition Modernization Explanation of Architecture Design Ideas of Mount-Shoushan Stone Museum in Fuzhou

  9. 而且,后现代主义带来的多元共生思潮和读图时代的迅猛君临,几乎颠覆了既有的话语方式与学科体系,我们确实面临着新的挑战。

    Furthermore , the multi-element co-existing thoughts brought by the post-modernism and the sudden coming of picture-reading era almost destroy the existing speaking mode and discipline system , so we are confronted with many new challenges .

  10. 中央山脉金矿为石英脉型和砂矿型,对中央山脉金矿产出的地层、构造、岩浆岩、共生矿物、成矿时代、成矿物质来源及成矿流体作了介绍。

    The Central Range gold deposits may be divided into quartz vein type and placer type , also introduced and involved occurrence of these deposits are stratum , structure , magmatic rock , coexisting minerals , minerogenetic epoch , origin of minerogenetic matter and ore forming fluid .