
shì jiè zhì xù
  • world order
  1. 到了1996年,亨廷顿去掉了题目中的的问号,把文章扩展为一本畅销书《文明的冲突与世界秩序的重建》(TheClashofCivilizationsandtheRemakingofWorldOrder)。

    By 1996 , Huntington had dropped the question mark and expanded his thesis into a best-selling book , The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order .

  2. 金砖国家(brics)坚信,从“美国统治下的和平”(paxamericana)到建立新世界秩序的过渡将会更加成功。

    The BRICs nations are determined that the transition from the global Pax Americana to a new world order will be more successful .

  3. 因为即使g20成员国是一个奇怪的无规律组合,最初因为1997年的亚洲金融危机而汇聚到一起开会,但它们在世界秩序中代表着一个全新元素。

    For even if the G20 countries are a strange ad hoc selection , initially brought together by the Asian financial crisis in 1997 , they represent a whole new element in the world order .

  4. 亚太地区历经半个世纪美国主导的世界秩序(PaxAmericana)后,中国已崛起为美国在该地区主导地位的直接挑战者。对澳大利亚这样的美国长期盟友来说,这是个令人不安的动向。

    After half a century of pax Americana in the Asia-Pacific , China has emerged as a direct challenger to US pre-eminence in the region , an uncomfortable development for a long-term American ally such as Australia .

  5. 世界秩序理念的历史发展及其在当代的解析

    The Concept of World Order & Evolution and the New Development

  6. 关怀与正义:女性主义世界秩序的伦理诉求

    Care and Justice : The Ethical Pursuit of Feminist World Order

  7. 北京方面会为世界秩序提供新的基础吗?

    Will Beijing offer a new basis for the word order ?

  8. 均势理论与世界秩序

    The Theory of Balance of Power and the World Order

  9. 19世纪中叶的中日近代世界秩序体认

    Chinese and Japanese Elites'Cognition of World Order in Mid-nineteenth Century

  10. 金融海啸:世界秩序重建的机遇与挑战

    Financial Tsunami : Opportunities and Challenges in the Reconstruction of World Order

  11. 你可以不计算在新的世界秩序!

    You may not count in the new world order !

  12. 这两种因素结合在一起,促使他决心为改变这种不合理的种族关系和世界秩序而奋斗。

    Two combined factors spurred him to change the irrational racial relations .

  13. 按照达尔文的进化论,一种新的世界秩序正在发展形成。

    By a Darwinian process , a new world order is evolving .

  14. 冷战后世界秩序的变化与重构

    Changes and Reconstructions of the World Order after Cold War

  15. 国际新秩序、世界秩序与世界新秩序

    New International Order , World Order and New World Order

  16. 它采用诱导的方式来创造世界秩序。

    It creates the world order in a inductive way .

  17. 这对已有世界秩序行得通吗?

    Does it make sense to participate in the existing world order ?

  18. 到了20世纪30年代,他对1914年前世界秩序的看法变得阴郁起来。

    By the 1930s his view of the pre-1914 order had darkened .

  19. 新的货币制度,新世界秩序就在这里!

    New Monetary System , New World Order is Here !

  20. 会有什么样的世界秩序取代冷战?

    What world order will replace the Cold War ?

  21. 为全新的世界秩序干一杯。

    A toast ! To a new world order .

  22. 三种世界秩序模式的现实分析

    Practical Analysis on the Three Patterns of World Order

  23. 日本因为2年前切断了旧世界秩序的金融财政。

    Japan cut the Old WorldOrder off financially as of two years ago .

  24. 世界秩序发展的内在机制与一般规律

    Evolution of World Order : Mechanisms and Rules

  25. 世界秩序模式研究

    Studies on the Pattern of the World Order

  26. 相反,它创造了一个平行宇宙,有自己的世界秩序。

    Instead it provides a sort of parallel universe with its own world order .

  27. 因特网到底是将促成新的世界秩序

    Whether the Web fosters a new world order

  28. 想一想我们可为新的世界秩序做出什么贡献。

    We should think about how we can contribute to a Better world order .

  29. 内在世界秩序的构建:历史境遇中的《恶心》

    The Construction of the Order of Innerbeing : Nausea in the Historic Situation ;

  30. 又来一套新世界秩序了

    So this is the new world order ?