
  • 网络World Energy Outlook;WEO
  1. 在国际能源署(IEA)今年发布的《世界能源展望》(WorldEnergyOutlook)中,最令人瞩目的信息也最令人不安。

    The most interesting message in this year 's World Energy Outlook from the International Energy Agency is also its most disturbing .

  2. 国际能源署发布的备受关注的《世界能源展望》(WorldEnergyOutlook)中,包含了关于清理成本的预估数字。今年,该报告囊括了一项对全球核电业的全面分析。

    The estimates for clean-up costs are contained in the IEA 's closely watched World Energy Outlook , which this year includes a comprehensive analysis of the global nuclear industry .

  3. 不过,如果说细节的详尽程度是衡量可信度的标准的话,那么,几乎没有什么资料来源能够与国际能源机构(IEA)昨日发布的《世界能源展望》(WorldEnergyOutlook)相提并论。

    If exhaustive detail is a measure of credibility , though , few sources equal the International Energy Agency 's World Energy Outlook , published yesterday .

  4. 《世界能源展望2009》对我国的启示

    Inspirations of the World Energy Outlook 2009 to China

  5. 国际能源署是在伦敦发布其年度世界能源展望报告《中国和印度透视》时发布上述评论的。

    The comments were made at the launch of IEA 's annual World Energy Outlook report'China and India Insights'in London .

  6. 该机构不是以发布危言耸听的警告而出名的,政策专家一致认为,它的“世界能源展望”是全球能源供应的可靠的风向标。

    The agency is not known for alarmist warnings , and its World Energy Outlook is typically viewed by policy wonks as a solid indicator of global energy supplies .

  7. 根据2013年《世界能源展望》,2012年,全球石油总供应量为每日8710万桶,这个数字较2000年的7520万桶增加了1190万桶。

    According to the 2013 WEO , the total world oil supply in 2012 was 87.1m barrels a day , an increase of 11.9m b / d over the 75.2m b / d produced in 2000 .

  8. 在年度《世界能源展望》中,国际能源署表示,直到2020年,石油需求年增速将一直低于1%,这样的速度不足以消除导致油价跌至多年低点的石油供应过剩。

    In its annual outlook the International Energy Agency said oil demand would rise less than 1 per cent a year until 2020 , not fast enough to mop up a glut that has driven prices to multi lows .

  9. 所有这些都意味着,如2013年《世界能源展望》所示,自2000年以来,石油行业上游业务的资本支出扩大了近180%,但全球石油供应(按能源含量调整后)仅增加了14%。

    All of which means the 2013 WEO has the oil industry 's upstream capex rising by nearly 180 per cent since 2000 , but the global oil supply ( adjusted for energy content ) by only 14 per cent .

  10. 燃料电池技术对汽车产业及世界能源格局影响的展望

    Prospects for the Influence of Fuel Cell Technology on Automotive Industry and World Energy Setup

  11. 2030年世界能源与电力发展展望

    World Energy and Electricity Outlook for 2030