
  • 网络New World Society
  1. 今天早上我们要讨论世界明星社的解散。

    We are going to discuss this morning the dissolution of the Order of the Star .

  2. 扶轮社领导计画能依全世界扶轮社的需要来订制。

    The club leadership plan can be customized to fit the needs of each Rotary club around the world .

  3. 东方世界明星社成立于1911年,以公布世界导师的到来。

    The Order of the Star in the East was founded in1911 to proclaim the coming of the World Teacher .

  4. 达成每位扶轮社员捐献美金一百元的年度捐献目标方能符合经由全世界扶轮社与地区所寻找到的人道与教育计划的需求。

    Achieving the us $ 100 per capita annual giving goal will enable the foundation to meet the need for humanitarian and educational programs identified by Rotary clubs and districts worldwide .

  5. 世界扶轮社向卫生组织消灭小儿麻痹症的工作赠款4亿多美元,世界上的狮子俱乐部为儿童基金会的许多方案提供帮助。

    The world 's Rotary Clubs have given more than $ 400 million to WHO 's efforts to eradicate polio , and the world 's Lions Clubs support many UNICEF programmes .

  6. 世界教会服务社-救济和重建柬埔寨行动;

    World church service-action for relief and rehabilitation in kampuchea ;

  7. 全世界的新闻社都到了。

    Every news agency in the world is here .

  8. 联合王国和加拿大世界大学服务社

    World University Service of the United Kingdom and Canada

  9. 在专业化的基础上,世界性通讯社实现了规模经济,并拓展了范围经济,成为实行跨国经营的经济巨无霸。

    Based on specialization , the World Agencies achieve economies of scale , expand economies of scope , and have become the economic giant .

  10. 正是依凭这独特的企业文化,中国旅行社独占中国现代旅游业鳌头30年,并逐渐跻身于世界大旅行社之列。

    China travel service forestalled the Chinese modern travel industry for 30 years , and gradually become one of the biggest travel agencies in the world .

  11. 1926年,上海《新世界》杂志社举办电影皇后选举,结果张织云独占鳌头,被选为“电影星后”,其他依次是杨耐梅、王汉伦、宣景琳,于是她们被合称为明星公司中国电影早期的“四大名旦”。

    In 1926 , the Shanghai magazine , New World , conducted a fan poll , which made Zhang Zhiyun No. 1 actress among Star 's Four Great Dan and she was selected as " Film Empress . "

  12. 世界学生青年旅行社(STATRAVEL)是世界最大的学生青年旅游组织。

    STA Travel is the world 's largest student travel organization .

  13. 世界船队预报服务社

    World Fleet Forecasting Service

  14. 世界海运贸易服务社

    World Sea Trade Service