
  • 网络digital space;Cyberspace;dspace
  1. 随着无线网络通信技术、计算机技术的发展以及移动设备性能的提高,通过无线通信将GIS与整个数字空间结合起来,提供实时的移动定位及空间信息服务已成为GIS发展的迫切要求。

    With the development of wireless network communication technology , computer technology and the improvement of performance of mobile devices , using wireless communications to combine the GIS and digital space , providing real-time mobile positioning and spatial information services has become an urgent requirement for GIS development .

  2. 几乎无限的数字空间为这种扩张提供了便利。

    Nearly limitless digital space has accommodated this expansion .

  3. 使用Lucene和Solr进行搜索时,纬度和经度(缩写为lat/lon)等数字空间信息的表示方式是最有趣的。

    Numeric spatial information such as latitude and longitude ( lat / lon for short ) is where the more interesting representations come into play in terms of search with Lucene and Solr .

  4. 数字空间与深空测绘及其支撑技术

    〗 ADigital Space & Spacial Survey and Its Supporting Techniques

  5. 言语信息激活对中文数字空间表征的影响

    The Impact of Verbal Information on the Spatial Representation of Chinese Verbal Numbers

  6. 赛博空间是一种概念空间或数字空间。

    Cyberspace is a conceptual or digital space .

  7. 数字空间轮廓的小波描述子

    Wavelet descriptor of contours in digital space

  8. 泛在知识环境下图书馆个人数字空间构建研究

    Research on Building of Personal Digital Space in Library under the Situation of Ubiquitous Knowledge Environment

  9. 数字空间特性的研究是数字加工研究的重要部分。

    A characteristic of digital and space is an important part of the digital processing study .

  10. 数字空间解读的机理分析

    Mechanism Analysis of Interpreting the Digital Space of the Earth & The Future of Geographic Research

  11. 全球多分辨率网格系统数字空间构建及索引机制研究

    The Construct of Digital Space of Global Mul-resolution Grid System and the Study of Index Mechanism

  12. 数字空间表征及其加工机制的研究一直是数学认知领域研究的热点问题。

    The mechanism of the mental representation of number is a hot research topic in the domain of numerical cognition .

  13. 提出了数字空间的内涵和建立数字空间的技术与服务体系。

    And propose the connotation of " digital space " and the technology and service system in building the " digital space " .

  14. 将数字空间轮廓视为周期序列,并基于离散小波变换给出序列点轮廓小波描述子的具体表达。

    According to the fact that contours in digital space is periodical , wavelet descriptor is defined based on wavelet analysis of discrete periodic signal .

  15. 如果没出现,那么商界领袖需要关注美国大选,并准备好迎接这样一个世界,在这个世界里,数字空间里的信任成为新的被玩弄的对象。

    If not , business leaders need to look at the US election - and prepare for a world where digital trust is a new military plaything .

  16. 研究对象包括关于从物理基础设施、信息流动、新的赛博空间社区的人口统计到对这些新的数字空间的感知及可视化研究等一系列地理现象。

    It also researches a serial geographical phenomenon ranging from physical infrastructure , information traffic and census statistics of new cyberspace community to the cognizance and visualization researching .

  17. 本文给出了球面数字空间的定义和特性,建立了基于流型的球面数字空间的基本拓扑模型,将Egenhofer等人的4交关系模型推广到球面数字空间。

    Then we discuss the basic topology model of spherical surface digital space . In the end , the 4-intersection model was generalized to spherical surface digital space .

  18. 数字化校园是在传统校园的基础上,利用先进的信息化手段和工具,将现实校园中的各项资源数字化,形成的一个数字空间。

    Based on the traditional campus , digital campus is using advanced information methods and tools to form a digital space by digitalizing various resources on actual campus .

  19. 它通过在数字空间里,不可伪造地认证用户,授予用户的权利范围、规范用户的行为方式来保障数字化信息的所有者和经营者的权利及利益。

    It ensures the rights and benefits of the digital content owner and the consumer via user authentication , user rights granting , user behavior ruling in digital space .

  20. 虚拟社区的存在,促使人们开始在数字空间中交流共享有价值的信息,发挥现实社区所不及的影响力。

    With the booming of virtual communities , customers are beginning to communicate in the digital space to share valuable information , which beyond the capabilities of traditional communities .

  21. 近年来,国内外均有不少专家使用地面观测,数字空间模拟或遥感技术对城市热岛现象进行研究。

    Recently , many experts in domestic and international countries study the city hot island phenomenon with surface observation , the digital spatial simulation or the remote sensing technology .

  22. 网络店铺是本文界定的一个新的概念,是指基于网络技术、借助商品交易平台发布商品信息,进行商务洽谈、商品销售、支付和客户服务的非独立域名的数字空间。

    Fbraciated shop , based on the technology of internet and supported by the trade of commodity to release information , is a digital space with the second class of domain name .

  23. 为了描述数字空间目标轮廓,便于计算机图形表达,提出一种适于描述序列点轮廓的小波描述子。

    To describe contours in digital space and simplify the presentation of computer graphics , a wavelet descriptor is presented , which is suitable for contours constructed with a set of points .

  24. 在对未来空间对抗的需求和测绘保障范围的拓展进行分析的基础上,提出了数字空间的构想和实施空间测绘(深空测绘)的发展思路;

    Based upon the analysis and extension about the future spatial resistance demands and military surveying and mapping safeguard , we put forward a conception about the " digital space " and the development idea for actualizing spatial surveying ;

  25. 国内外学者对数字空间表征的研究主要集中在注意和空间任务方面,但研究方法还比较单一;特别是在空间任务的研究中,数字作为无关刺激的出现都是独立于探测刺激的。

    Scholars of digital spatial representation focuses on attention and spatial tasks , but the research methods are still relatively simple . In the space mission the emergence of figures as unrelated stimulate are also independent of the probe stimulus .

  26. 简述了校园一卡通工程在为学校提供的基础数据平台、金融平台,实现规范管理,形成的全校范围的数字空间,在数字化校园建设中起到的重要作用。

    The paper described the importance of the one-payment IC card system engineering in the construction of the digital campus in the aspect of providing the college the basic statistics and finance platform , achieving the standard management and providing the digital space throughout the college .

  27. 普适计算技术在计算机技术和移动通信技术发展的双重推动下,已经渗透到现实生活中的各个领域,正在为人类创建了一个随时随地获取信息的数字空间,也使普适学习成为可能。

    With the promotion of computer technique and mobile communication technology , pervasive computing technology has penetrated in all the fields of real life and is creating a digital space in which human beings can get access to information whenever and wherever possible and then makes pervasive learning possible .

  28. 利用地面观测或数字空间模拟等常规方法研究城市热环境,存在工作量大、时效性差、成本高、精度不够等缺点。

    The normal ways of monitoring urban heat environment , that is , on site monitoring and spatial modeling using mathematic methods have some deficiency in many aspects such as the more workload , the worse efficiency , the higher cost , the weakness of accuracy and so on .

  29. 基于GIS的数字农业空间信息管理平台设计与实现

    The design and implementation of digital agriculture spatial information management platform based on GIS

  30. 基于组件式GIS的数字农业空间信息管理平台开发研究

    Developing and Studying of Spatial Information Management System of Digital Agriculture Based on COM GIS