
  • 网络Copper needle;bronze needle;pin
  1. 铜针留置术加硬化剂治疗颌面部巨大静脉畸形

    Copper pin plus sclerous therapy for huge maxillofacial venous malformations

  2. 使用本实用新型只需将其套在摩托车化油器总程上,铜针伸入量孔。

    The utility model is sheathed on the total range of the carburetor of the motorbike , and the bronze needle extends into orifices .

  3. 铜针治疗前FasL表达弱,治疗后FasL表达增强。

    FasL weak express Before Copper needle treatment . After treatment FasL express enhanced .

  4. 结论铜离子解离和红细胞聚集是铜针电栓塞血管的主要机制,稳压直流电4V和17.5分钟的通电时间为血栓形成的安全有效条件。

    Conclusion Dissociation of copper ion and agglutination of RBC are the basic principle of electrothrombosis with copper needle . A 4V direct current and 17.5 minutes are the safe and effective conditions for thrombus formation in the blood vessels .

  5. 铜针结合硬化剂栓塞治疗血管瘤

    Treatment for vascular tumour by copper needle combine sclerosing agent embolism

  6. 超声对铜针治疗海绵状血管瘤的疗效观察

    Effects of copper needling therapy on cavernous hemangioma assessed by echogram

  7. 铜针治疗后瘤体内细胞成分较少,变得扁平。

    The hemangioma cell components less than before , become flat .

  8. 铜针留置术治疗复杂性血管瘤临床研究

    Clinical research on the retained copper needles to treat refractory hemangioma

  9. 铜针栓塞治疗颌面部海棉状血管瘤的临床观察

    Clinical assessment of maxillofacial cavernous hemangioma therapy with copper needles puncturing

  10. 铜针留置后血管内皮细胞的凋亡水平较铜针留置前上调不显著。

    The level of apoptosis was not significant when compared with before .

  11. 方法:将铜针刺入血管瘤瘤体内,通电;

    Methods : Stab the tumor with a needle , electrify the needle ;

  12. 铜针留置治疗海绵状静脉畸形的临床应用

    Clinical treatment of venous malformations with retained copper needles

  13. 铜针栓塞术治疗血管瘤21例

    Twenty one cases of angioma treated with copper needles

  14. 应用铜针疗法的基础上配合硬化剂注射治疗海绵状血管瘤。

    Objective : Copper needle puncturing combining sclerotherapy for the treatment of cavernous hemangioma .

  15. 铜针通电治疗血管瘤并发急性溶血的临床与实验研究

    Clinical observation and experimental study of acute hemolysis following copper needle electrothrombosis for treating hemangioma

  16. 铜针电栓塞血管的机制研究项丛刺合围针治疗偏头痛

    Mechanism study of electrothrombosis by copper needle

  17. 铜针与不锈钢针留置于兔耳中央静脉内的比较

    Comparison between copper needle insertion and stainless steel needle insertion into rabbit ear central veins

  18. 铜针留置干预后血管瘤及血管畸形内皮细胞凋亡和组织病理学特点

    Endothelial cell apoptosis and histopathological characteristics in hemangioma and vascular malformation after intervention of indwelling copper needles

  19. 目的更准确、有效地对皮下深部软组织中海绵状血管瘤进行铜针介入栓塞治疗。

    Experimental and clinical research on the changes of liver after copper needles retained in blood vessels ;

  20. 试验表明:铜针的单位路程磨损量较好地反映了岩石研磨性的高低。

    It is shown that the wearing capacity of a copper needle well reflects the rock abrasiveness .

  21. 目的对曾应用铜针留置或平阳霉素局部注射治愈后而复发的海绵状血管瘤患者,探讨一种有效、安全、微创的治疗方法。

    Objective To investigate a safe , effective and mini-invasive method in the treatment of recurrent cavernous hemangiomas .

  22. 持续小电流低电压直流电铜针治疗海绵状血管瘤

    Treatment of congenital deformity of vein on body surface by copper needle with continuous low voltage direct current

  23. 美国计划如果实验被证明成功就增加铜针的数目。

    The US planned to add to the number of copper needles if the experiment proved to be successful .

  24. 铜针通电加切除治疗血管瘤的临床研究

    The clinical research of the cut healing by first intention with electrized copper needles and removal of the angioma

  25. 方法:在探头频率为70MHZ彩色多普勒超声引导下留置铜针于瘤体内。

    Method : Copper needle was placed into the tumor tissue under the guide of colored Doppler ultrasonic angiograph with a probe of70MHZ .

  26. 目的探讨铜针通电加切除血管瘤,提高伤口一期愈合率的方法。

    Objective To discuss the method of raising the rate of cut healing by first intention with electrized copper needles and removal of the angioma .

  27. 方法用栓塞硬化注射术,或结合手术切除部分硬化瘤体,或结合铜针留置术,治疗眼睑海绵状血管瘤。

    Methods The embolization and sclerotherapy which was used only , or combined with surgical excision , or with retained copper needles , were used to treat the hemangioma of the blepharons .

  28. 由圆桶状钢套及其端面侧壁伸出带一折的窄钢片,在窄钢片上固定有一根铜针。

    A narrow steel sheet with one-folding extends out of a barrel-shaped steel jacket and the side wall of the end surface , and the narrow steel sheet is fixed with a bronze needle .

  29. 烛台有这种尖的蜡烛台烛台并没命中,但在掉到地下的时候,烛台顶上的那枝铜针却刺着了阿二的小腿。见了血了!

    A candlestick having such a spike . This , too , went wide of the mark ; but when it hit the ground the sharp spike at the top pierced Ah Erh 's shin and made it bleed .