
  1. 囚犯丙说,“用铁镣,奴隶制才会这样做。”

    Prisoner three : " In chains . It 's slavery ! "

  2. 要用链子捆他们的君王,用铁镣锁他们的大臣。

    To bind their kings with chains , and their nobles with fetters of iron ;

  3. 从每个话音,从每条禁令,都听到心铸的锒铛铁镣。

    In every voice , in every ban , The mind-forg 'd manacles I hear .

  4. 这是一个面容狰狞的人,穿了一身劣质的灰色衣服,腿上挂了一条粗大沉重的铁镣。

    A fearful man , all in coarse grey , with a great iron on his leg .