
  • 网络electric arc steelmaking furnace
  1. 炼钢电弧炉STD微机控制系统

    The Microcomputer Control System with STD Bus for Steelmaking Arc Furnace

  2. 炼钢电弧炉高功率变压器的低功率使用

    High-power voltage transformer of steel-making EAF for low  ̄ power use

  3. 直流炼钢电弧炉的偏弧现象及其控制

    Are Deflection in DC Are Steelmaking Furnace and Its Control

  4. 炼钢电弧炉工艺过程的仿真、预测、诊断与优化

    Simulation , Forecast , Diagnose and Optimization of Electric Arc Furnace Process

  5. 炼钢电弧炉的运行特性与电压闪变抑制

    Suppression Research of Voltage Fluctuation & Operation Characteristics of Electric Arc Furnace

  6. 粗炼的和精炼的未锻铜炼钢电弧炉炉内温度分布规律的研究


  7. 大型炼钢电弧炉对电网及自身的影响和抑制方案

    Influence of electric arc steel furnace on the power system and its suppression

  8. 近年来炼钢电弧炉的技术发展状况

    Technical development of EAF for steelmaking during recent years

  9. 小型炼钢电弧炉的五项节电措施

    Five power-saving measures of small steelmaking electric arc furnace

  10. 用微机进行炼钢电弧炉热平衡计算

    The calculation of heat-balance in EAF by a micro-computer

  11. GB/T10067.2-1988电热设备基本技术条件炼钢电弧炉

    Basic specifications for electroheat installations & Steelmaking arc furnaces

  12. 炼钢电弧炉电极升降微机控制的回顾与总结

    Review and Summary of Microcomputer Control for the Electrode Position of Steelmaking EAF

  13. 炼钢电弧炉热效率计算方法的探讨

    Research on Thermal Efficiency Calculation in Steel-making Arc Furnace

  14. 炼钢电弧炉新型全密闭烟罩的设计与应用

    Design of a new full closed fume hood for EAF and its application

  15. 炼钢电弧炉炉内温度分布规律的研究

    Investigation on temperature distribution in electric arc furnace

  16. 大功率炼钢电弧炉电压波动的设计计算及抑制

    Design Calculation and Suppression of Voltage Fluctuation of High Power Arc Furnace for Steelmaking

  17. 炼钢电弧炉的圆图分析及应用

    Analysis and application of EAF round chart

  18. 炼钢电弧炉变压器的改进

    Improvement of Arc Furnace Transformer in Steelworks

  19. 炼钢电弧炉工艺过程的动态模拟

    Dynamic Simulation of Steel-making Process of EAF

  20. 工业控制计算机在炼钢电弧炉电极自动调节系统中的应用

    The Application of Industrial Control Computer to the Electrode Automatic Regulator for Steelmaking Electric Arc Furnace

  21. 直流炼钢电弧炉技术

    DC arc furnace steelmaking technology

  22. 炼钢电弧炉氧气载体喷焦碳粉增碳试验

    The Experiment of Recarburization in Spraying the Molten Steel with Coke-powder and Taking Oxygen as Carrier in Electric-arc Furnace

  23. 对氧化镁/石墨导电耐火材料在炼钢电弧炉炉底作阳极等应用情况作了介。

    The application of MgO - graphite conductive bricks to the bottom lining of are furnace is also introduced .

  24. 高位伞形罩和半密闭罩在我厂炼钢电弧炉烟尘治理中的应用

    The applications of high umbrella hood and semi-closure hood for the treatment of steel-smelting arc furnaces smoke and dust in our works

  25. 配电网中较大负载的炼钢电弧炉在运行过程中会对公用电网产生较大的冲击和干扰。

    Steelmaking EAF with larger load oft he distribution network would produce large impact and interference on the public electric network in operation .

  26. 最后,从炼钢电弧炉的热平衡出发,综合考虑运行电抗的影响,推导出了更具一般性的最佳工作电流表达式。

    Then , the optimal operating current formula is derived by considering the thermal balance of EAF and the influence of operating reactance .

  27. 叙述了炼钢电弧炉从单炉壳型的发展向双炉壳型和连续装料型发展的状况,着重介绍了上述三种炉型技术发展的特点。

    The development of EAF for steelmaking from single shell to twin shell furnace and continuous charge was described , especially their technical characteristics of the furnace types .

  28. 本文介绍了炼钢电弧炉采用的煤氧喷吹系统及工艺,阐述了该技术在电炉炼钢生产中的节电效果,同时提出需要进一步改进技术和提高的方向。

    The article introduces a coal powder and oxygen ejection system and technology on arc furnace steelmaking and states the effect on electricity saving , points out the improvement direction .

  29. 超高功率炼钢电弧炉在工作时对电网会产生高次谐波、电压波动与电压闪变、三相不平衡、功率因数低等不利影响。

    The ultra high power EAF will produces higher harmonic , voltage fluctuation , flicker , three phases power unbalance and decreases the power factor ( cos φ) under normal operation .

  30. 基于提高效率和降低消耗,炼钢电弧炉在供电方式,利用一次能源及废钢预热等方面做了重大改进。

    EAF for steelmaking has been improved in such aspects as electric energy supplying , scrap preheating and primary energy fully utilizing based on energy efficiency increment and energy consumption reduction .