
liàn jù
  • try to find the best turn of phrase
炼句 [liàn jù]
  • [try to find the best turn of phrase;polish and repolish a sentence] 用心推敲,使词句简洁优美

  1. 学习大诗人杜甫创作的炼字炼句及其现实主义精神。

    Learn from the great poet Du Fu , he created the exact words and sentences and the spirit of realism .

  2. 诗是语言的艺术,一首好诗的诞生,应当经过炼字、炼句、炼意的过程。

    Poetry is the art of language . The birth of a good poem should be the course of polishing words , sentences and meanings .

  3. 修辞不外乎是炼词炼句和运用辞格,使语言表达准确,生动形象。

    Rhetoric aims at how to choose words , make sentences and apply the figures of speech in order to make language accurate and vivid .

  4. 维吾尔谚语的语义结构灵活、独特,用词炼句巧妙、精当,审美情趣和修辞逻辑独具特色。

    Uygur proverbs have their own characteristics : flexible and unique in semantic structure , elegant in choice of words and sentences , unique in aesthetics and rhetorical logic .

  5. 本文将就这两条脉络针对英语写作中的实际问题进行具体的阐述和翔实的分析,并分别阐释写作中遣词与炼句的特点、种类、技巧等,以期在教学中帮助学生提高英语写作能力。

    This article discusses the features of how to make stylish English writing and analyzes the common problems made in it . It is hoped to help the students improve their writing in English .

  6. 臧克家认为,只有从丰富深刻的生活感受出发,进入独特的艺术构思,再融入诗人独一无二的锤字炼句等艺术表现手法,才能形成精炼的艺术品。

    He holds the view that only from rich and deep life experience , by entering the special artistic concept and with the unique artistic approach to refining upon wording and phrasing , can a succinct literary work be formed .

  7. 对诗歌的一些基本因素如锻字炼句的基本功、诗缘情的创作态度、妙观逸想式的形象思想的把握等都能带有自己的独特见解。

    He also has his own understanding of the basic skill of finding the best turn for the words and phrases , the creating attitude of expressing the sensibility by poems and the grasp of the visual thought of imaginable thinking .

  8. 指出了中专语文教学中存在的问题,从领悟、炼句、阅读等方面,探讨了提高中专学生语文学习能力和审美素质的途径。

    This paper points out the problems existing in Chinese teaching , and puts forward some measures to improve the students ' Chinese learning ability and aesthetic quality in special secondary school from such aspects as comprehension and reading , etc. .

  9. 另一个挑选诗人的标准是:这些入选诗人的诗歌都具有一定的可模仿性,注重练字炼句,可以让后人照此方法学习写诗。

    Another criteria for the selection of the poet : the poetry of these poets are selected with a certain degree of replicability , pay attention to practice calligraphy refining sentence , so that future generations can learn from writing the basis of this method .

  10. 李清照词的语言超凡脱俗,她大量吸收民间口语入词,使词采清新质朴,选取典故时,又开拓新的意境,炼字炼句处,平淡入妙,真正达到化俗为雅。

    Li Qingzhao poetry divine , she absorbed a large number of folk oral into poetry , make the poetry mining pristine , select the allusions , and open up new conception of poetry , sentences , plain wonderful , really achieve the change from vulgar to ya .