
  1. 每个背斜带又包含有若干逆冲断层相关褶皱,它们是断层转折褶皱、断层传播褶皱、滑脱褶皱、断层传播滑脱混生褶皱、双重逆冲构造、突发构造、三角带构造。

    Each zone includes several thrusting related folds which are identified as fault bend folds , fault propagation folds , detachment folds , fault propagation detachment hybrid folds , duplex , pop ups and triangle zones .

  2. 早石炭世末,准噶尔-哈萨克斯坦与西伯利亚板块发生陆-陆碰撞,形成大型双重逆冲推覆构造。

    The continental collision between Siberian and Kazakhstan-Junggar in Early Carboniferous shaped the large-scale dual thrust-nappe structures in the Altay orogen , NW China .