
  • 网络lightning protection engineering
  1. 信息系统防雷工程中降低N-PE电压的常用方法

    Common Methods for Reducing N-PE Voltage for Lightning Protection Engineering of Information Systems

  2. 沈阳新一代天气雷达站防雷工程设计与实践

    Lightning Protection Engineering Design and Practice of New Generation Weather Radar Station in Shenyang

  3. 应用计算机ACAD实现防雷工程实模设计

    Using ACAD to Achieve the Project of Lightning Defence on True Model

  4. 气象业务系统防雷工程的规范化实施

    Standardization Construction of Engineering for Lightning Protection of Meteorological Operational System

  5. 东海大桥综合防雷工程的设计

    Design of the Lightning Protection Project on the Donghai Bridge

  6. 项目管理技术在防雷工程监管中的应用

    Application of Project Management Technique to the Supervision of Lightning Protection Project

  7. 集装箱码头综合技术防雷工程的研究与实施

    Research and Practice of Comprehensive Protection Technology Against Lightning for Container Terminal

  8. 丹东新一代多普勒天气雷达综合防雷工程设计与施工

    Comprehensive Lightening-protection Engineering Design and Construction of Dandong New-generation Doppler Weather Radar

  9. 移动通信基站电源防雷工程解决方案

    The Solving Scheme of Mobil Communication Basic Station Power Source Lightning Proof Engineering

  10. 国家大剧院防雷工程施工及有关问题探讨

    Discussion on Construction and Relative Issues of Lightning Protection Engineering of National Grand Theatre

  11. 计算机网络的防雷工程设计

    Design of a Lightning Conductor in Computer Network

  12. 嵩山历史古建筑群申遗项目防雷工程设计

    Lightning Protection Project Design of Songshan Ancient Architectures which Apply to the World Cultural Heritage

  13. 信息化实验室综合防雷工程设计初探

    The Lightning Protection Design of Information Laboratory

  14. 介绍了综合防雷工程网络的防雷原理及电容性地线的优点。

    The principle and advantages of a new device against thunder bolt with capacity earth connection is introduced .

  15. 分析了在防雷工程设计中采用等效电路模型的合理性,并建立了由基站铁塔塔体及接地网构成的塔体&接地网整体网络系统模型。

    In lightning protection project design , employing an equivalent circuit model is justified by analysis . A " Tower Body-Grounding Network " entire network system , composed by the base station tower body and grounding network , is established .

  16. 通过参与天津电力生产调度综合楼防雷工程的设计与施工,结合自己多年来积累的理论与实践,对智能大厦防雷工程的设计与施工进行了初探。

    Through taking part in the lightning proof design construction of Tianjin power production dispatching building , combining with the theory and practice accumulated for many years , the author explores the design and construction in lightning proof project for intelligent building .

  17. 新建建(构)筑防雷系统工程常见问题分析

    Analyzing Commonly Seen Problems on Lightning Protection System of New Structures

  18. 智能建筑的雷击影响分析与防雷系统工程关键问题的研究

    Research on the Key of Lightning Protection Systems Engineering and Influence Analysis of Lightning Stroke on Intelligent Building

  19. 认识冲击接地阻抗做好防雷接地工程

    Understanding impact grounding impedance , finishes grounding project of lighting protection

  20. 结合沿线多年勘测的雷暴数据进行了理论分析,总结了沿线的雷暴活动情况及雷电流特性,为深入开展沿线雷击过电压保护、实施防雷接地工程打下基础。

    The paper analyzes the thunder storm condition and characteristics of thunder current combined with plentiful data of reconnaissance along the line , provides basis for succedent research on lightning protection technology .

  21. 民用建筑物防雷与接地工程在设计与施工过程中一些规范条目往往被忽略或者被错误理解。

    In the design and construction of lightening protection and grounding of residential building , some specification items are often overlooked and misunderstood .

  22. 摘要结合居民小区防雷接地系统工程建设,介绍了非金属接地模块在工程中的应用,总结了实际经验。

    In connection with the construction of lightning protective earthing system in residential area , the application of non-metal earthing module was introduced and the experience learned in practice was summarized as well .

  23. 指出智能建筑防雷是一系统工程,必需采取多层防护与多类防护措施相结合的综合防护方法。

    It was pointed out that the measures of the thunder protection of intelligent buildings are a system engineering , it is necessary to take synthetic way of many layers protection combined with many sorts protection .

  24. 总结多年在防雷理论及防雷工程研究、实践经验,论述雷电防护等电位接地系统中迫切需要解决的有关问题。

    Based on many years of research and practical experience on the lightning protection theory and its relevant projects , this paper mainly discusses the problems that have to be urgently solved in the lightning protection and equipotential grounding system .

  25. 提出信息系统防雷是个系统工程,需采取综合防护措施,但可根据实际需要选择应用,最后对接地网和电缆屏蔽方式问题进行了讨论,提出了选择性意见。

    Putting forward that the information system lighting protection is a system engineering which need to take synthesize protection measure , or choose application according to the demand . Finally , it discuss the problem about earthing system and the way of shield of cable , puts forward selectivity opinion .

  26. 本文简要分析了雷电侵害计算机网络设备的几种途径、防雷系统的设计原则并结合我公司的防雷工程介绍了一些防雷措施。

    The authors has analyzed the ways of lightning damage to computer network equipment , and introduced the design guidelines of lightning protection system and the measurements of lightning protection .

  27. 现代防雷措施是必须采取全方位的防护,层层设防,综合治理,提出防雷工程是系统工程。

    The measures of lightning protection should be all round , setting up defenses in depth and tackling in a comprehensive way .

  28. 针对铁路车站信号防雷传统设计标准较低、元件质量较差的缺点,提出了综合防雷系统工程设计原则、方法和措施。

    Aimed at low standard design and low quality component of traditional lightning protection of railway station signaling , this paper put forward the principle , methods and measures of engineering design of integrated lightning protection systems .