
  • 网络Analog controller
  1. 本文介绍了由通用逆变器、异步电动机、测速发电机和模拟控制器所组成的变频闭环调速系统,详细论述了PI调节器、IP调节器和转差频率调节器的设计方法。

    This paper introduces a frequency-regulated closed-loop speed control system , which comprises a general inverter , an induction motor , a tachometer , an analog controller . The design methods of P-I , I-P and slip regulator are discussed in detail .

  2. 匹配Z变换是将模拟控制器变为数字控制器的一种数字化方法,若模拟控制器的复数零点的虚部ω0大于采样角频率ω的一半,这时数字控制器的频率特性将会产生严重混叠。

    Matched z-transform is a digital method by which analog controller is transferred to digital controller . If imaginary part ω 0 of zero of analog controller is more than one half of sampling frequency ω s , frequency response of the digital controller can be aliasing .

  3. 通过DSP实现了比以往的模拟控制器更加灵活、可靠的数字控制算法。

    The control method is realized by DSP , so it is more flexible and credible than former controller .

  4. 首先利用期望特性法设计了传统PID模拟控制器及滤波网络,并合理选择了采样时间得到了相应的数字控制器。

    First I designed the traditional PID controller and filter network using the method of expected frequency characteristic and then obtained the corresponding digital controller after selecting a reasonable sample time .

  5. 本文以磁悬浮球为模型,采用定点DSP实现数字悬浮控制系统的设计,克服了传统的模拟控制器和数字控制器的缺点。

    This paper takes the Maglev ball as model and realizes a digital Maglev control system using fixed point DSP , which overcomes the defects of traditional simulative control system and digital control system .

  6. 将原系统模拟控制器改造成PLC控制,并使用触摸屏作为人机界面,因而控制精度高,稳定性好,工艺设定、系统监控及维护更加方便。

    Simulation controller of original system is changed to PLC control and touch screen is used as interface , so control precision is high , stability is better and process enactment , system monitoring and system maintenance are more convenient .

  7. 该系统由SiemensS7-200PLC为核心的短路故障模拟控制器、上位PC机编程-控制平台和一次模拟控制设备三部分构成。

    The system is composed of short-circuit simulation equipment based on SIEMENS S7-200 PLC , compiling-controlling flat on PC and high voltage simulation controlling equipment .

  8. 遥测模拟控制器的研制

    Development of Instrument for the Remote Sensing and Simulating of Controller

  9. 该控制器的核心是模拟控制器,能够较好地保证系统的稳态精度。

    A digital controller is used to monitor and control the analog controller .

  10. 静电力反馈微加速度计的模拟控制器优化

    Optimized controller for electrostatic force feedback micro accelerometers

  11. 数字计算机与模拟控制器间的耦合问题

    Interface Problems Between Digital Computers and Analog Controllers

  12. 高性能逆变器模拟控制器设计方法

    Design Method of Analog Controller for High-performance Inverter

  13. 电机的控制器经历了从模拟控制器到数字控制器的发展。

    Motor controller evolved from analog to digital .

  14. GP~2N~2S~2并行模拟控制器的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of parallel simulation controller of gp ~ 2n ~ 2s ~ 2

  15. 设计了磁悬浮力的模拟控制器并对磁悬浮血泵电机进行了实验研究;

    The control methods of torque and magnetic levitation force are studied experimentally on a prototype bearingless motor .

  16. 随着电子学的进展,数字控制器被用来管理模拟控制器并最终执行控制过程。

    As electronics advanced , digital controllers were used to supervise analogue controllers and eventually to execute the control themselves .

  17. 因此尽早设计出数字控制器以取代模拟控制器,是我们面临的当务之急。

    Therefore , it is a task of top priority to develop digital controller substituted for analogue controller as early as possible .

  18. 所以在被控量多变的场合,常使用数字控制器代替模拟控制器。

    So we usually take place the analog control with the digital control at the occasion that the control object is changeful .

  19. 在八五和九五期间,国防科大磁悬浮实验室的两套天平都是用模拟控制器控制的。

    During the Eighth and Ninth Five-Year plan , the two sets of MSBS in maglev laboratory of NUDT are designed by analog controller .

  20. 对这种方法的实际测试可以应用到一系列不同的标准和串联形式的模拟控制器的中去,而且很容易扩展到平行形式上。

    The real test , however , of the method would be to apply it to a variety of analogue controllers of both the standard and series structures .

  21. 系统以数字式控制器代替过去的模拟控制器,机电作动器代替传统的液压作动器,极大地提高了飞机的刹车效率和性能。

    The traditional analog controller is replaced by the digital controller and the hydraulic actuator is replaced by the electromechanical actuator , which improves the aerocraft braking efficiency and performance greatly .

  22. 我们将试图模拟Web控制器。

    We will attempt to simulate a web controller .

  23. 首先介绍了移动平台的数:学模型;然后讨论了模拟PID控制器、数字PID控制器的数学模型,提出模糊PID控制器的设计方案;

    At first , the paper introduces the mathematical model of the mobile robot and the design method of fuzzy PID controller .

  24. 基于微处理器的数字PID控制器改变了传统模拟PID控制器参数整定不灵活的问题。

    The PID controller based on microprocessor solved the problem that the parameter cann 't be change flexibly in traditional analog PID controller .

  25. 在对控制系统进行理论分析的基础上,从模拟PID控制器推导出适合数字控制的差分方程。

    On the basis of theory analysis for controller system , the difference equations fit for digital controller are exported from the analog PID .

  26. 其次,在模拟PID控制器基础上对传统的数字PID控制器加以改进,设计了一种基于模糊理论的模糊参数自整定PID控制器。

    Secondly , we design one fuzzy parameter active setting PID controller based on the fuzzy theory and the improvement of the traditional digital PID .

  27. 该试验台可以完成纯软件模拟、控制器原型实施、硬件在环仿真和参数匹配标定等功能,并能够对ABS所有部件进行研究和测试,具有控制逻辑再现、特殊工况模拟、故障模拟等功能。

    Testing all parts of ABS , validating control logic by open-loop simulation , simulating special work condition or trouble state were also achieved .

  28. 该原型机采用了径向永磁轴承和单端轴向电磁轴承相结合的磁悬浮轴承系统,基于霍尔传感器的转子轴向位移径向检测系统,以及模拟PID控制器和线性功率放大器。

    The prototype utilizes MB system combined with radial PMB and single axial AMB , rotor axial displacement detection system based on Hall sensors , analog PID controller and linear power amplifier .

  29. 通过模拟PID控制器的研究表明,该方法提高了粗糙规则控制器的控制性能,取得了令人满意的控制效果和精度。

    The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through emulating PID control , which shows that this method can improve the control performance of the rough controller and satisfying control performance can be achieved .

  30. 第一阶段:以模拟PID控制器为核心的主动磁悬浮轴承控制系统的设计。同时,还须设计与此相关的传感器检测电路(以NE5520为核心)和驱动电路(TL494为核心)。

    Firstly , we design the AMB system with analog PID controller , which includes analog PID controller , sensor and drive circuit designing .