
  • 网络bus network;PROFIBUS-DP
  1. 由此引出了CAN总线网络与Internet的网络互连课题。

    The interconnection between CAN bus network and Internet is discussed .

  2. 基于DSP的CAN总线网络与Ethernet数据实时通信实现

    Real-time Communication Between CAN Bus Network and Ethernet Data Based on DSP

  3. 当前适用于工业应用的网络主要有DCS局部网络、工业以太网、现场总线网络三种。

    The main industrial networks today are DCS local network , Ethernet and field bus .

  4. 本系统将井场所有的传感器设备通过CAN总线网络连成一体,并接入Internet。

    All of the sensor devices in the oil filed will be connected together by the CAN bus in the system , and accessed to the Internet .

  5. IEC现场总线网络通信协议研究

    The Study on IEC Field bus Network Communication Protocols

  6. 基于RS-485总线网络,自行模块化设计了护士助手机器人控制系统。

    Modularize the helpmate robot control system based on RS-485 bus framework .

  7. 在此背景下,一种局部互联现场总线网络LIN应运而生。

    A local interconnect filed bus network , LIN , emerges as the times require , in this background .

  8. RS-485总线网络应用中的安全与可靠性

    Safety and reliability during application of RS-485 bus network

  9. 目前工业现场广泛使用的PLC网络、现场总线网络等由于本身技术的局限性,并不能实现真正意义上的远距离监控。

    Because of the limit of the technology , the widen-used PLC net and field bus net really can 't realize the long-distance watch and control .

  10. PROFIBUS现场总线网络层采用屏蔽双绞线连接。

    The shield twisted-pair was used to link with PROFIBUS field bus network layer .

  11. 在基金会现场总线网络中,设备之间通过虚拟通信关系VCR来传送信息。

    Devices in the FF network can communicate with each other through VCR .

  12. 主要实现了三种IP网络的接入,包括以太网的接入、RS-485总线网络的接入和公共无线IP网络的接入。

    It mainly achieves three ways of IP network access , including Ethernet access , RS-485 bus network access and public wireless IP network access .

  13. 在测控网络的设计中,提出了一种基于USB接口的CAN总线网络适配器的设计方案。

    And this paper brought forward one kind of design method on CAN BUS Network Card Based on USB Interface in the measurement-control network of design .

  14. 设计了RS485总线网络通讯协议。

    The communication protocol is designed on RS 485 network .

  15. 在这样的背景和环境下,一种局部互联现场总线网络LIN的产生、发展和应用使得此问题大大得到了改善,得到了一定程度的解决。

    In this background , the problem has got a certain degree of reduction because of the invention , development and application of LIN bus .

  16. 该三菱PLC网关能够使用户利用三菱PLC的软件平台对自主研制的具有特殊功能的CAN总线网络设备进行操作,使其顺利融入到三菱PLC网中。

    So the gateway can access the external CAN-BUS equipments with special function designed by consumer though Mitsubishi PLC program tool , and the CAN-BUS controller can melt into Mitsubishi PLC network .

  17. 随着中国快速的工业化进程,PROFIBUS总线网络已经在越来越多的现代工业自动控制化系统中被运用。

    With the rapid industrialization of China , PROFIBUS network has been a growing number of modern industrial automation systems .

  18. 基于CC-Link现场总线网络的远程设备站开发与应用

    The Remote Device Station Design and Application Based on CC-Link

  19. 工业总线网络采用了Profibus通讯协议,该协议具有反应时间短,抗干扰性强的特点;

    The former adapts to Profibus communication agreement whose reaction time is very short and the ability of resisting disturbance is strong .

  20. 这是整个研究工作的起点和基础;(2)CAN-BUS车载总线网络构建。

    This is the starting point and basis for the whole research work ;( 2 ) Construct CAN-BUS vehicular bus network .

  21. 继而从芯片选型到电路设计详细论述了系统CPU模块、音视频、总线网络等主要功能部分的硬件设计。

    Following the hardware design the main function of the system including CPU module , audio and video , the bus network , was discussed in detail from the chip selection to the circuit design .

  22. 第二部分借助于OSI开放系统互连模型,对CAN总线网络的结构、特点等做了较详细的介绍。从应用的角度,分析了CAN总线的发展趋势。

    The second chapter details the structure and characteristics of CAN-bus with the aid of OSI model and analyses the development trend of CAN-bus in term of application .

  23. 西门子S7-300/400系列可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)是基于现场总线网络的节点控制器,其通信协议不开放增加了在Labwindows/CVI等平台上开发通信驱动软件的难度。

    As S7-300 / 400 series PLC ( Programmable Logic Controller ) is node controller based on field bus net , it is difficult to develop the communication software on Lab Windows / CVI platform for its privacy of communication protocol .

  24. 提出了基于PCI总线网络安全的一种物理实现方法,详细介绍了其核心部件PCI控制板卡的设计方案,并描述了其中几个关键技术的实现。

    An physical approach of network security based on PCI bus is proposed , the design scheme of the core component , PCI control card , is introduced , and realization of some key technologies is described .

  25. 论文还简要分析了RS-485总线网络的组网原理和PC机与多单片机之间的串行通信技术,在此基础上设计了基于RS-485总线的通信系统,并对上下位机间的通信协议进行了研究和制定。

    On this foundation , a communication system based on the RS-485 bus is designed and the communication protocol between the upper PC and the lower single-chip is studied and formulated .

  26. 系统主要采用SIEMENTSS7-300系列CPU、总线网络、分布式I/O的控制方案来实现热浸镀模拟试验机的浸镀过程控制。

    The control system adopts SIEMENTS S7-300 CPU , network and distributed I / O to perform hot-dip process control of hot-dip galvanizing simulator .

  27. 基于RS-485总线网络的远程控制是本系统的一大特点,它为本系统在工业智能化管理领域的应用提供了方便。

    The remote control based on RS-485 bus network is an advantage of the system , which provides convenience for the application of the system in the field of industrial intelligent management .

  28. 现场层完成现场设备的控制和数据采集功能,通过可靠性高的三菱FX2n系列PLC实现,选用三菱CC-Link现场总线网络结构进行数据传输。

    The former , which includes PLC and field control instrument , is to accomplish field control and data acquisition , transmits data by CC-Link field bus .

  29. 在局域网中,1553B总线网络采用主从方式的双总线控制器(BC),以太网采用具有容错的双网双冗余结构,进一步提高了系统可靠性;

    In LAN , 1553B bus network adopts double BC which are designed as principal and subordinate , and Ethernet adopts fault tolerant structure with double network and double redundancy , prompts the system reliability ;

  30. 为使不同的计算机系统方便的接入CAN总线网络,提供了一种基于微机并行接口EPP方式的双CAN接口卡的设计方案。

    In order to connect different computer systems into the CAN bus network , the design and implementation of a dual CAN interface card based on EPP port is introduced in this paper .