
  • 网络chief inspector;cip;Chief Inspector of Police;Director-General
  1. 总督察讨厌在细枝末节上没完没了地纠缠。

    The Chief Inspector disliked being overburdened with insignificant detail .

  2. 副总督察给我打电话说,“史密斯小姐,你知道你要搬家了吗?”

    The deputy chief inspector rang me up and said , ' Miss Smith , you know you are due for a move ? '

  3. 西米德兰兹郡警局的总督察JulianHarper表示:“专业标准部门正在调查此事,我们从此前的问询中得知,这是一次由于对警犬和警察产生误解的轻松交流。我们将对此事进行调查。”

    DCI Julian Harper , from West Midlands Police , said : ' The Professional Standards Department is looking into this , early enquiries suggest it is a light-hearted exchange as a result of a misunderstanding around a police dog and a police officer . The matter will be investigated . '

  4. 总督察及警司在晋升至该等职级后一年内,会分别参加中级及高级指挥训练课程。

    Chief Inspectors and Superintendents attend the Intermediate and Senior Command Courses , respectively , within one year of promotion to each rank .

  5. 该小组由一位助理处长领导,属下有7名职级由总督察至总警司的资深警务人员。

    It was led by an Assistant Commissioner of Police , assisted by seven experienced officers ranging from the rank of Chief Superintendent to Chief Inspector .

  6. 国家土地副总督察甘藏春表示,土地资源配置的最终目标是取消土地供应双轨制,提高土地供应和调控能力。

    The ultimate goal of land resources distribution is to abolish dual system of land supply and to improve land supply and coordination , said Gan Zangchun , deputy inspector-general with the MLR .