
  1. 不再对美国设立总部的企业罚款。

    and stops punishing companies for keeping their headquarters in the United States .

  2. 这种拓展使得财务管理从分散走向集中,从企业总部走向企业全部。

    Such expansion makes the financial management change from decentralization to centralization as well as from the headquarters to the whole enterprise .

  3. 把公司总部作为企业的信息中心,非物流中心,公司总部通过信息流与生产工厂、配送中心、各网点等发生联系,控制整个物流。

    As Information Center of enterprise , no logistics center , with the use of info flow , Company Headquarters control the whole logistics through frequent contacts with Manufacture , Distribution Center and various Sales Network .

  4. 它将专用网建立在公用网基础上,通过相关的安全技术实现移动用户与企业网,各分支机构与总部及企业与合作伙伴之间的安全通信。

    VPN builds private network on public network , and it applies correlative security technologies to realize the security communication between mobile uses and intranet , each branch office and enterprise headquarter , enterprise and cooperative fellows .

  5. 这个预测出炉之际,华盛顿对合并交易活动的增加加剧担忧。美国的跨国公司利用这种被称为反转(inversion)的操作,将总部转移到企业税税率较低的国家。

    The prediction came as concern mounts in Washington over a rise in merger deals , known as inversions , which US multinationals use to move their headquarters to countries with lower corporate tax rates .

  6. 对集团企业而言,人力资源管理控制是集团总部对下属企业实施控制过程中最为广泛的控制方式之一。

    In the enterprise groups , the human resource management & control is one of the most important means to control subsidiaries .

  7. 对在湘家荡区域投资旅游、现代物流、商贸流通、会展、总部经济的企业,帮助其申请各级三产发展资金;

    The enterprises of tourism , logistics , trade and business , exhibition , corporate headquarters economy , will be helped to apply for funding at the development of the tertiary industry ;

  8. 运用动态博弈模型,以企业集团内部公共费用征收问题为背景,讨论了集团总部与成员企业之间的动态博弈,并对集团政策的动态一致性问题进行了研究分析。

    In this paper , the dynamic game between member enterprises and the general headquarter within Enterprise Group is discussed in view of dynamic game theory . The policy dynamic consistency of the general headquarter is analyzed .

  9. 最近,一家总部设在英国的企业CondecoSoftware联系到了我。这家企业正在蓬勃发展,产品包括无线“工作场所占用传感器”,能够追踪人的移动情况,以估算有多少桌子和会议室正在使用。

    I 've recently been contacted by a thriving UK-headquartered company calledCondeco Software , whose products include wireless " workplace occupancy sensors " that track movement to assess how much desks and meeting rooms are being used .

  10. 此前,这家总部驻加州的企业曾颠覆了从音乐到移动电话在内的诸多产业。如今,它正与谷歌(Google)和Facebook等著名高科技企业一道,被美国最大银行视为一大威胁。

    The California-based company has previously upended industries from music to mobile phones and , with other prominent technology companies such as Google and Facebook , is considered a threat by the biggest US banks .

  11. 这些文件涉及到39家总部设在维多利亚的企业,澳大利亚移民和公民部(DIAC)和澳大利亚联邦警察(AFP)正在对这场骗局中的同谋者进行调查。

    The documents relate to39 businesses based in Victoria and those complicit in the scam are being investigated by both DIAC and the AFP .

  12. 但这个方法并不适用于总部位于台湾的企业。

    It is not a detour that is open to Taiwan-based enterprises .

  13. 但我喜欢总部规模较小的企业,它们在尽可能地减少官僚体制和办公室政治方面更有优势。

    But I like businesses with small headquarters – they are better placed to minimise bureaucracy and office politics .

  14. 当Boardex开始为商界精英间的相互关系建立图谱时,这家总部驻伦敦的企业把目标客户群瞄准了企业治理监管机构。

    When Boardex started mapping the professional relationships between prominent business people , the London-based company was targeting corporate governance watchdogs as clients .

  15. 这家总部位于中国的企业拥有一个全球性的服装工业供应链网络,其中包括10000多家商业合作伙伴。

    This company , based in China , runs a global supply network for the apparel industry that includes more than 10,000 business partners .

  16. 亚特兰大的大部分收入来源于总部位于亚特兰大的企业,以及当地举办的各种会议和运动盛会。

    The city depends heavily on the revenue that comes from the many corporate headquarters it houses and the conventions and sports events it hosts .

  17. 为提高管理人员的技能,总部位于印度的企业在培训、管理发展中心、高管教育和在线课程方面进行了大量投入。

    In an effort to develop managers ' skills , Indian-based companies are spending heavily on training , management development centres , executive education and online courses .

  18. 总部位于英国的企业一直辩称,本土企业必须缴纳的税款高于在英国经营的外国企业,这让它们处于不公平的劣势地位。

    UK-headquartered companies have argued that having to pay higher taxes than their foreign competitors ' British operations puts them at an unfair disadvantage – and they are surely right .

  19. 本论文以本人在社会实践中对企业运行管理模式的亲身感悟为基础,通过自身所学建筑专业知识,以建筑为观察视角,分析企业总部建筑空间与企业特质文化的关系。

    The thesis , based on my own experiences from the management of enterprise and my good professional construction knowledge , mainly analyses the relations between enterprise headquarters construction spaces and the characteristic culture .

  20. 由于香港交易所不接受总部位于台湾的企业在港上市,因此,那些希望赴港上市的企业必须首先成立一家离岸公司收购这个台湾实体。

    Because the Hong Kong stock exchange does not accept listings from companies domiciled in Taiwan , those wanting to list in the territory must first establish an offshore holding company that buys the Taiwan entity .

  21. 这家总部位于深圳的企业此前已经获得了国开行150亿美元的融资额度。由于其核心电信基础设施业务不景气,中兴已被迫发出盈利警告。

    The Shenzhen-based company , which has been forced to issue profit warnings given a slump in its core infrastructure business , already had a financing facility with China Development Bank ( CDB ) of $ 15bn .

  22. 论文从参与总部经济的两类主体,即企业总部和总部基地出发,将总部经济分为企业总部经济和基地总部经济。将总部经济的内容归纳为企业集聚效应和基地辐射效应。

    Basing on two contents of Headquarter economy , Enterprise headquarter and Headquarter base , this paper divides headquarter economy into enterprise headquarter economy and headquarter base economy , and put the contents into two parts , enterprise agglomeration effect and base radiation effect .

  23. 并就国有企业集团股份制改造模式和实施步骤,以及企业集团总部的功能设置,企业集团总部与成员企业的关系等作了详尽的论述。

    The paper elaborates modes and implementation procedures of the transformation of state-owned enterprise groups into stock companies , the function design of the group headquarters , the relationship between the headquarters and subsidiaries , and the like .

  24. 对象主要包括航空公司总部基地公司、机场运营总部、航空关联企业总部、航空商务服务总部及航空研发总部等。

    Objects including airlines headquarters , the operational headquarters , aviation , aviation enterprise headquarters associated business services headquarters and aviation r & d , etc.

  25. 最新的一起挫折是,总部位于巴黎、旗下拥有古驰(Gucci)和巴黎世家(Balenciaga)等奢侈品牌的开云集团(Kering)在纽约起诉阿里巴巴,声称这家总部位于杭州的企业共谋参与了其网站上的假货销售。

    The latest setback came in the form of a lawsuit filed in a New York court by Kering , the Paris-based group whose luxury brands include Gucci and Balenciaga , alleging the Hangzhou-based company was complicit in the sale of counterfeit goods on its sites .