
zǒng hé
  • Total;combination;altogether
总合 [zǒng hé]
  • [altogether] 表示合在一起;一共

总合[zǒng hé]
  1. 安全文化体现为人类群体生活及生产中安全价值观和安全行为准则的总合。

    Safety culture reflects the combination of the safety value outlook and the safety code of conduct in human community life and work .

  2. 人们90%的生活都在室内,哮喘带来的经济负担超过了HIV和肺结核的总合。

    People spend over 90 percent of their lives indoors . And the economic burden of asthma exceeds that of HIV and tuberculosis combined .

  3. 日本总合研究所(JapanResearchInstitute)预计,未来几年日本可能会蒸发两百万个工作岗位。

    Two million jobs could evaporate in the next several years , the Japan Research Institute says .

  4. 你的生命是Matrix内在的不平衡方程式产生的残余的总合,你是程序异常的各种可能性结果。

    Your life is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the Matrix .

  5. 哮喘带来的经济负担超过了HIV和肺结核的总合。

    And the economic burden of asthma exceeds that of HIV and tuberculosis combined .

  6. 中国人最大的十家(互联网)公司总合价值为$1500亿美元,并不比谷歌(Google)公司少。

    The ten biggest Chinese companies have a combined worth of $ 150 billion , not much less than Google 's.

  7. 而与阴阳经脉的导电量总合比值则是呈显著的负相关(p<0.05)。

    The ratio between the total value of electric conduction of yin and yang meridians and the score of GDS show a negative correlation ( P < 0.05 ) .

  8. 双眼视野MS较单眼MS升高幅度(总合幅度),在视野正常组平均为7.05%,视野异常组总合幅度变异较大。

    The mean degree of binocular visual field summation of normal visual field group was 7 . 05 . The abnormal group had a greater variation of summation degree than that of normal group .

  9. 以模糊数学为基础,提出了模糊误差总合定律,解决了误差子集A和B之间的概率合成问题,并在此基础上提出了不确定度评定方法。

    Based on fuzzy mathematics , this paper puts forward the Fuzzy Error Synthetic law that solves the probability synthesizing problem of the sub-aggregates A and B and brings forward a new method for evaluating uncertainty degree based on this law .

  10. 应用于显影废液和钮扣电池液中Ag的测定,结果令人满意。对废旧银锌钮扣电池中的银含量进行了检测,结果显示总合银量在20%-35%之间;

    This method has been employed to determine the trace amounts of silver in developer waste solution and button cell solution with satisfactory results . Tests on silver in wasted button cell show there are 20-35 % of silver in button Cell .

  11. 以中国南海海域大量生长的总合草苔虫为原料,将化学分离和活性追踪相结合,经溶媒提取和多种层析方法(SephadexLH-20,ODS,HPLC等)分离,得到3个活性单体。

    Three active compounds were isolated from the marine bryozoan Bugula neritina living in the South China Sea by bioassay-guiding isolation method with a combination of extraction with suitable solvent and multiple column chromatography ( Sephadex LH-20 , ODS and preparative HPLC ) .

  12. 而神经传导速度的变化百分比总合(SPCV)在有或无高血压、高三酸甘油脂血症和低高密度胆固醇的病人间并无显著差异。

    However , there was no significant difference in SPCV in subjects with or without hypertension , hypertriglyceridemia , or low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration .

  13. 双眼视野总合现象及发生机制的探讨

    The Study on Binocular Visual Field Summation and Its Possible Mechanism

  14. 这些卷书总合在一起提供了一套专题。

    Taken together , these volumes provide a range of topics .

  15. 资源耗减及其对宏观经济总量调整的思考宏观经济的总合变化

    Resource Depletion and Relevant Adjustment in National Accounts ; aggregate macroeconomic change

  16. 这与主动触觉和应用复合的标准刺激的实验结果相一致,表明长度总合是触觉的一种普遍现象。

    This result is consistent with the experiment using complex standard stimuli .

  17. 对比察觉双眼总合的空间频率效应

    Spatial Frequency Effect on Binocular Summation of Contrast Detection

  18. 角膜散光晶体散光与总合散光关系的研究

    The Relations of Corneal , Lenticular and Total Astigmatism

  19. 以上四方面总合起来,便构成了立法权的保障机制。

    These aspects constitute a legislative protection mechanism together .

  20. 小型孤独的蜜蜂的总合;许多是对农业有价值的花粉传播者。

    A family of small solitary bees ; many are valuable pollinators for agriculture .

  21. 结论:角膜形态决定总合散光;

    Conclusion : The shape of cornea was the major cause of total astigmatism .

  22. 星际气体激波与恒星线性密度波的总合自洽解

    The consistent solution for both the Galactic gaseous shock and linear stellar density wave

  23. 触觉长度总合:应用复合变异刺激的实验

    Tactile length summation : experiment with complex variables

  24. 你所说的一切,总合起来就是正义。

    Everything you say adds up to justice .

  25. 以及如何测度总合后信息的损失量等等,这些问题就是投入产出总合理论研究的核心问题。

    All of these are the core problems in the aggregation theory of input-output .

  26. 这是一场伟大的经验和第一次总合了我所有的武术的比赛。

    It was a great experience and the first of many fights to come .

  27. 他是万物的总合。

    He is the sum of everything .

  28. 目的用强度矢量法研究小儿静态屈光不正,比较视网膜检影测出的总合散光与角膜曲率计测出的角膜散光的关系。

    Objective To apply vector approach to study the relation of total astigmatism and corneal astigmatism .

  29. 这些天使们总合后的冲击力令人吃惊。

    Their cumulative impact is staggering .

  30. 基础设施项目通常在区域经济和国家经济发展中发挥着重要的作用,其投资效果是指基础设施投资对于国家、社会、经济、政治、军事、环境等方面影响的总合。

    The infrastructure projects usually play an important role in the regional and national economic development .