
zǒnɡ zhuānɡ
  • assemble
  • assembly process
总装 [zǒng zhuāng]
  • (1) [assemble]∶把部件装配成总体

  • 总装空间站

  • (2) [assembling process]∶把部件装配成总体的工序

  1. 斗提机总装图在AutoCAD中的自动绘制

    Drawing Automatically the General Assemble Picture of Bucket Elevator in AutoCAD

  2. 如何保证产品的高质量,是企业必须要认真思考和关注的问题。W公司轻卡新建两条总装生产线,其中一条已投入使用。

    How to ensure the high quality of the products is the important condition for the survival enterprise . W company has two new assemble lines for light article , and one has been put into use .

  3. 德国曼(MAN)汽车公司总装线工艺分析

    Process Analysis on the Final Assembly Line of MAN of Germany

  4. C型总段建造技术,其中包括总段设计、精度控制、总装方法、效益等,可供同行借鉴。

    C type block including the block design , precision control , assembly method , the profit gained etc.

  5. 基于Petri网的底盘总装线人员配置优化研究

    Research on operator allocation of chassis assembly line based on Petri nets

  6. 巴克莱资本(barclayscapital)称,中国风电总装机容量到2015年将会翻番。

    Total capacity is still expected to double by 2015 , according to Barclays Capital .

  7. 地方兴办小型火电厂N家,总装机容量近百万千瓦。

    The establishment of small-scale thermal power plant where N , and the total installed capacity of nearly one million kilowatts .

  8. 基于着色Petri网的航空发动机总装作业调度研究

    Conflict of Shared Resource Oriented Modelling and Scheduling of Aero-engine Assembly Using Petri Nets

  9. 应用IE技术改进汽车总装线

    Applying IE to Improve the Truck Assembly - line

  10. 基于AHP的总装单元员工绩效综合考评的实践研究

    The Analysis of Assessing the Employees at General Equipment Department Unit Based on AHP Method

  11. 基于RFID的汽车总装物料配送过程的Petri网建模与仿真

    Modeling and simulation by Petri Net in assembling logistic process of automobile industries based on RFID

  12. 某汽车总装项目EPC总承包施工安全管理

    Construction Safety Management of EPC General Contract in Some Automobile General Assembly Project

  13. 其次,引入RFID技术改变了传统汽车总装供应链的协作机制。

    Secondly , the introduction of RFID technology has changed the traditional automotive assembly supply chain collaboration mechanisms .

  14. 天津空客总装线屋面EPDM防水系统

    EPDM waterproofing roof of Tianjin Airbus assembly line

  15. 汽车总装线上ALB问题的研究

    A Study on ALB Problem for Automobile Final Assembly Line

  16. 同时选取同一个工厂从事总装不接触LPG的作业工人作为对照组。

    Choose a group of workers from same factory but without contacting of LPG as comparison group . 2 .

  17. 本文结合总装十五预研项目XX雷达DBF接收阵,进行了数字波束形成算法的研究并在硬件系统上实现。

    This thesis is focused on the study of DBF algorithms for XX radar .

  18. 产品总装工艺设计系统中PIM技术的实施与研究

    Application of PIM in final assembly process planning system

  19. 总装作为生产G系列发动机最重要的一个环节,其生产线的建设设计水平对长安的生存发展具有重大意义。

    The assembly line is very important in engine production , therefore , the design & built of the line is significant for the existence and development of the CHANGAN .

  20. 基于ARX的组合式空调器总装图生成系统

    An Automatic Assembly Drawing Generation System for Packaged Air Conditioner Based on ARX

  21. PC-1500袖珍计算机在柴油机总装质量管理和性能试验中的应用

    The Application of PC-1500 Portable Computer On the Test for Diesel Engine Characteristics

  22. 斯比泰电子是一家专业的EMS提供商,包括PCBA、品总装,电源解决方案。

    Speedy-Tech is a provider of EMS for PCBA , Bon-Build and Power Electronics Solutions .

  23. 6B余热炉模块式总装制造技术研究

    Study of 6B Waste Heat Boiler Module Fabrication Technology

  24. 圈内20万千瓦以上机组实现全脱硫,火电脱硫装机达1.4万MW,占全省火电总装机的90%以上。

    Desulfurization achieved more than 20 GW , desulfurization of thermal power installed capacity reached 14,000 MW , accounting for more than 90 % of thermal power units in Wuhan city circle .

  25. 三峡左岸电站VGS机组盘车及总装工艺改进

    Improvements on axis alignment and assembly process of VGS units for Three Gorges Left Powerhouse

  26. 介绍了Schmidt型双套管废热锅炉制造的关键工艺,扁圆管的压制模具,双套管热套装,总装经验。

    This paper introduces the manufacture process for Schmidt cool waste boiler , such as flat-round pipe forming ; moulds , fit up of the Double-Sleeves .

  27. 针对油井井口直径比较小因此测试仪器本身尺寸不能设计太大,本文在SolidWorks软件下进行仪器外壳设计及仪器总装。

    According the oil well diameter is small so testing instrument cannot be designing too large . This paper designs the instrument shell under the SolidWorks software . 5 .

  28. 结合长安给定条件,应用先进制造技术基本原理、原则,充分吸收国内外汽车制造企业先进经验,完成了G系列发动机总装生产线总体设计。

    Based on the conditions of the CHANGAN , adopted the basic principle of the advanced manufacturing technology , absorbed the knowledge of the auto industry in domestic abroad , the concept design of G series engine assembly line has been finished .

  29. 本软件采用比较灵活的模块化方式,利用VB语言作为对AutoCAD二次开发的工具,完成了圆筒形储罐总装配图的参数化设计,降低了设计人员的工作强度,提高了工作效率和设计质量。

    By using VB programming language , the parameterized design of cylinder vessel is realized on the AutoCAD platform . This software can reduce the working strength of designers , improve drawing efficiency and design quality .

  30. 本文重点介绍了6B联合循环余热炉及类似结构产品的模块式总装制造技术,对产品的技术要求和制造工艺进行了阐述。

    The article introduces the module fabrication technology of 6B waste boiler and resemble product , and introduces the technology requirement and fabrication technology ?