
  • 网络bus topology
  1. 例如,一个混合型拓扑结构和总线型拓扑结构的结合。

    For example , a hybrid topology could be the combination of a star and bus topology .

  2. 现场总线是应用在控制最底层的一种总线型拓扑网络。

    Fieldbus is a bus topology network used in the bottom layer of controlling system .

  3. 列车通信网络(TCN)采用两级总线型拓扑结构:连接各节车厢的绞线式列车总线和连接车辆内部各种设备的多功能车辆总线。

    Train Communication Network ( TCN ) has a two-level buses topology : wire train bus ( WTB ) which can connect various vehicles and multiple vehicle bus ( MVB ) which connect device fixed .

  4. 粮库粮情测控系统采用两级微机控制,主从式总线型网络拓扑结构。

    The system of measurement and control to the granary and situation of grains is controlled by a two-level computer , and it has the structure of a topology with a concentration line network .

  5. 基于现有牵引变电所通信网络的星形、环型和总线型网络拓扑结构,提出了混合式双冗余星形组网方案,并对该组网方案的设计思路、优势及可靠性进行了详细说明。

    Based on the existing network topology shaped in stars-type , rings-type and Bus-type , the author has proposed the Hybrid dual redundant stars-type network scheme , and made detailed explanation on its design , advantages and reliability .

  6. 运用MAC协议一种类型便是以太网,它被用于总线或星型拓扑结构。

    One type of MAC is Ethernet , which is used by bus or star network topologies .