
  • 网络total intake
  1. 当我们选择一个大勺子而不是一个小勺子时,总摄入量增加了14%。

    When we choose a large spoon over a smaller one , total intake jumps by 14 percent .

  2. 当蔬菜和水果的摄入总量2倍于动物食品,或绿色蔬菜的摄入量达到蔬菜总摄入量的2/3时,儿童可望获得理想的维生素C摄入水平。

    When intake of vegetables and fruits doubled that of animal food , or the intake of green vegetables was 2 / 3 of total vegetable food , children may obtain perfect intake of vitamin C.

  3. 24h小鼠的粪便排泄量为总摄入量的19.87%,小于吸收排泄量11%,因此可得异黄酮的排泄主要是经过尿液排泄,经肝肠循环为次要排泄途径。

    Excretion from dejection was 19.87 % of the intake of isoflavones in 24 hours . So it is considerable that urinary excretion is primary and hepato-enteral circulation is secondary in excretion pathway of isoflavones .

  4. PCDF和“类二恶英”PCB的半衰期很长,意味着每天的摄入对总摄入量的影响很小甚至可忽略不计。

    The long half-lives of PCDDs , PCDFs and " dioxin-like " PCBs mean that each daily ingestion has a small or even a negligible effect on overall intake .

  5. 统计常见病的患病率。结果:①儿童膳食营养素摄入中钙、锌和视黄醇未达每日推荐供给量标准(RDA)的80%,优质蛋白质的摄入占蛋白质总摄入量的43%;

    Results : ① Intake of calcium , zinc and retinal were lower than 80 % RDA ( recommended daily allowances ) . Intake of high-quality protein accounted for 43 % .

  6. 每天食物纤维的总摄入量

    your total daily intake of dietary fibre

  7. 油脂摄入量偏高,占食物总摄入量的4.92%,以植物性脂肪为主。

    The intake of cooking oil was high , accounting for 4.92 % of total food intake .

  8. 动物脂肪占脂肪总摄入量的74.7%,城乡分别占54.7%和81.9%。

    Animal fat accounted for 74.7 % of dietary fat ( urban 54.7 % , rural 81.9 % ) .

  9. 另一个进步是,该小组废止了既往指南中“美国人应将脂肪总摄入量限制在每日热量总摄入量的35%”的建议。

    the panel dropped a suggestion from the previous guidelines that Americans restrict their total fat intake to 35 percent of their daily calories .

  10. 优质蛋白质摄入量占蛋白质总摄入量的636%,蛋白质质量较好;

    The protein quality was comparatively satisfactory , as the intake of high quality protein accounted for 63 6 % of the total protein intake .

  11. 许多研究者确信,只要降低食物的总摄入量,都能得到相同的结果,与加入或剔除某类食物无关。

    Many researchers believe that the same results can be achieved by reducing the total amount of food consumed , irrespective of food group included or excluded .

  12. 一天结束或一餐用毕后,你是否将饮料的热量算进总摄入量里了呢?

    If and when you tally up your calories at the end of a meal or a day , do your calculations take into account what you drank ?

  13. 另一个进步是,该小组废止了既往指南中美国人应将脂肪总摄入量限制在每日热量总摄入量的35%的建议。

    As part of that move , the panel dropped a suggestion from the previous guidelines that Americans restrict their total fat intake to 35 percent of their daily calories .

  14. 结果1.调查地区育龄妇女的膳食结构以谷类为主,约占食物总摄入量的40%左右。

    The results of dietary survey on voluntary subjects showed that the diets were mainly consisted of grains , which accounted for about 40 % of the total food intake .

  15. 结果表明:干预组对象膳食钠减少、膳食钾增加、吸烟人数下降、控制食物总摄入量人数上升;

    The results indicated that in intervention group the diet sodium decreased . The diet potassium increased , smoking rate decreased and the people who controlled the total diet amount increased .

  16. 在四年期间,每日蔬菜总摄入量增加,可令体重少增加0.25磅(约合0.11千克);每日水果总摄入量增加,可令体重少增加0.53磅(约合0.24千克)。

    An overall increase in a daily serving of vegetable or fruit over a four-year period led to less weight gained - 0.25 pounds less for vegetables , and 0.53 pounds for fruit .

  17. [结果]UMT含量随着总镉摄入量、血镉和尿镉水平增加而增加,UMT与总镉摄入量、血镉和尿镉的相关系数分别为0.251、0.322和0.437(P<0.05);

    [ Results ] Significant correlations were found between the UMT and total uptake of cadmium , blood cadmium and urinary cadmium , the correlation coefficients were 0.251 , 0.322 and 0.437 ( P < 0.05 ), respectively .

  18. 膳食调查显示受试者总铁摄入量超过DRI,但是膳食备份测定铁的实际含量为膳食调查方法的71%~85%,病例组低于对照组。

    Total iron intakes obtained from dietary survey among subjects exceeded RNI of iron , but actual iron contents from diet duplicate plate analysis were only 71 % ~ 85 % of the dietary survey value , lower in the anemic group .

  19. 结论体重增长与总热能摄入量有关;

    Conclusions Body weight gain is related to the total energy intake .

  20. 多数运动员在减少总热能摄入量的同时,维生素、矿物质的摄入也减少。

    The most athletes while reduce total heat energy intake , the Vitamin , the mineral substance take in also reduce .

  21. 孕期总铁摄入量与孕期母血多项指标的变化幅度、孕期铁缺乏症的程度与脐血铁蛋白均存在密切关系;

    Total iron intake was closely related to the variation of these parameters , the degree of iron deficiency in pregnant women and the content of cord ferritin .

  22. 膳食:DM、IFG和NFG组总能量平均摄入量分别为2272、2510和2470kcal;

    The average energy intake in DM , IFG and normal group was 2 272 kcal , 2 510 kcal and 2 470 kcal respectively .

  23. 为预防和控制肥胖应减少总热能的摄入量。

    Intakes of total energy should be reduced in order to prevent and control dietary obesity .

  24. 【结论】使用氟化泡沫后,氟的摄入量小于每日总氟适宜摄入量及每日慢性中毒量,氟化泡沫使用是安全的。

    [ Conclusion ] It was safe to use fluoride foam when fluorid foam concentration was lower than total dose in need and chronic toxic dose .

  25. 钙的食物来源中,从谷类及薯类、蔬菜和水果、豆类以及奶类中摄入的钙分别占膳食总的钙摄入量的22.0%、39.5%、10.1%及5.3%。

    The ratios of calcium intake derived from cereal , vegetables and fruits , legumens and milk accounted for 22 0 % , 39 5 % , 10 1 % and 5 3 % of total calcium intake , respectively .

  26. 梨这种水果富含纤维素、维生素C、镁、铜和钾,会导致人体总糖的平均摄入量更高。

    The fruit has higher percentages of fiber , vitamin C , magnesium , copper and potassium , and leads to higher mean intakes of total sugars .

  27. 结论本次调查对象的总膳食纤维日摄入量处于美国糖尿病协会推荐摄入量范围内。

    Conclusion The dietary fiber intake of the diabetes remains in the range of intakes recommended by American Diabetes Association .

  28. 男女两组人群来自于豆类的钙分别占摄入总钙量的25.4%和21.9%,来自蔬菜的钙男女分别占总摄入量的23.7%和25.0%。

    The calcium from bean products accounted for 25 . 4 % and 21 . 9 % of the total calcium in the males and the females and they accounted for 23 . 7 % and 25 . 0 % from vegetables .

  29. 结论本研究首次运用总膳食的方法得到我国4个大区成年男子和中国标准人膳食中总砷及无机砷摄入量数据。

    Conclusion It is the first time that the dietary total arsenic and inorganic arsenic intakes of the adult were investigated in Chinese total diet study .