
  • 网络Total electric power;overall power
  1. 在满足外界所需的热电厂汽轮机的总电功率和热网的总供汽量的前提下,以使所需的锅炉总供汽量最小为原则来分配各台汽轮机的电、热负荷;

    The optimal turbine load assignment minimizes the total boiler steam supply while satisfying the total power and heat supply demands .

  2. 用两个闸流管并联进行交替触发,总输入电功率达7.8kW。

    The overall input electrical power of 7 . 8 kW is achieved .

  3. 论文采集了多云及晴天两种天气情况下的实验室天然光照度,并根据这些数据进行了智能照明计算,从中得出这一天中的人工光源控制量及人工照明的总用电功率。

    The paper collected the natural illumination of laboratory under cloudy and sunny weather conditions , and calculates the control variables based on these data . Then the paper gets the amount of control and the total power consumption of artificial lighting .