
  • 网络vacuum equipment
  1. 真空设备环板的塑性极限荷载计算

    Calculating of the Plastic Limit Load of Ring Plate of Vacuum Equipment

  2. 炉外精炼真空设备维护及故障分析

    Analysis and Maintenance of Ladel Refining 's Vacuum Equipment Malfunction

  3. 分析了在真空设备中经碳化活化工艺制备的粘胶基活性碳纤维(ACF)的微观结构。

    The microstructure of viscose-based activated carbon fiber ( ACF ) through carbonization-activation process in vacuum was studied .

  4. 针对这种情况,利用当今较流行的数据管理系统Access和VB编程语言,在微机Window95环境下实现了真空设备图纸档案管理。

    It is possible to manage the vacuum device drawing file through a computer based on the study of the database and CAD theory and realize the effective computer drawing management with the popular access database and the visual basic programming language under window 95 environment .

  5. 但电晕放电和介质阻挡放电(DBD)在改性纺织品的时候容易造成损伤,而常用的低压辉光放电等离子体改性技术由于需要真空设备而很难获得推广。

    But corona discharge plasma and dielectric barrier discharge ( DBD ) plasma are easy to damage them when processing fabrics . The usual low-pressure glow discharge plasma has to be operated in a reactor with vacuum system .

  6. 这几种方法都使用简单、快速的非真空设备,预组装成分子级别的前驱物层,经化学或热处理形成CIGS薄膜。

    In these methods , simple and fast non-vacuum deposition processes are used , and the molecular level precursor layers are primarily obtained , which is subsequently chemically and thermally treated to form a CIGS film .

  7. 真空设备与检测仪器的世纪回顾

    A Brief Review of Vacuum Equipments and Measuring Instruments in This Century

  8. 湿法磷酸真空设备衬胶工艺探讨

    Discuss of rubber board lined in vacuum plants of wet phosphorus acid

  9. 基于Window95环境下开发的真空设备图纸管理系统

    The vacuum device drawing management system under window 95 environment

  10. 不要移动热交换器上的真空设备。

    Don 't pull a vacuum on the exchanger .

  11. 新型节能真空设备&射流真空泵

    New Energy Saving Vacuum Equipment ── Ejecting Vacuum Pump

  12. 特别注重了其在真空设备中应用的价值。

    Especially emphasize the importance in the vacuum equipment .

  13. 聚丙烯制真空设备及其应用

    Preparation of polypropylene vacuum equipment and its application

  14. 高温真空设备橡胶衬里的特性及应用

    Properties and application technology of rubber lining for equipment under high temperature and vaccum condition

  15. QH&90丁基橡胶在高温真空设备衬里之应用

    The Properties and Practice Application on Rubber Lined Equipment Resistance to High Temperature & High Vacuum

  16. 我国真空设备行业制造的主要真空获得设备概况与思考

    An overview of Chinese-made main vacuum acquisition equipment and relevant considerations of the vacuum equipment trades

  17. 真空设备与铸造工艺

    Vacuum Equipment and Casting Process

  18. 为提高航天工程的密封安全和可靠性,航天器和地面真空设备常常采用多级串联密封结构。

    In space engineering , multi-level series seal structures are always adopted to assure safety and reliability .

  19. 广泛适用干工业中真空设备和实验室装置的低真空测量。

    It is widely fit for the low vacuum measuring of vacuum equipments in industry or facilities in laboratory .

  20. 改造抽真空设备的电源系统、抽气嘴系统、保温盒系统和油压剪系统。

    Reform of vacuum equipment , reform suction system , insulation box and oil pressure system of vacuum equipment . 5 .

  21. 提出了各种真空设备及真空系统自动控制方式的最佳选择方案。

    It also puts forth the best selection of the ways of automatic for all kinds of vacuum equipments and vacuum systems .

  22. 锆铝吸气泵是利用非蒸散型吸气剂吸附活性气体的一种新型真空设备。

    Zirconium-aluminium getter pump is a new type of vacuum installation , in which the non-evaporable getter material is used to absorb the active gases .

  23. 结果表明:采用多弧离子镀方法镀膜时有较大的金属液滴沉积到镀层中,且施镀需要真空设备,成本较高;

    First , metal coating on the surface of diamond film has been studied . Deposited experiments have been done by multi-arc ion plating and electroless deposition .

  24. 在抽真空设备改造的基础上,增加阳极电压,优化抽真空工艺参数,使产品除气更彻底。

    Based on the reform of vacuum equipment , increase the voltage of anticathode , adjust optimal vacuum parameter in order to achieve complete thorough effect . 6 .

  25. 介绍真空设备法兰采用大直径O形环橡胶自紧式密封(不用螺栓和螺母)的设计计算及其应用效果。

    The design calculation of the large O ring rubber self energized seal ( without bolt and nut ) used for the vacuum equipment and its application results are introduced .

  26. 该仪表广泛适用于航空、冶金、镀膜、化工、热处理及其它行业的真空设备和实验室装置的真空度测量。

    Its widely fit for vacuum measuring of vacuum equipments and laboratory facilities in the field of navigation , metallurgy , coating , chemical engineering , heat-treatment and other industries .

  27. 研究传统抽真空设备和工艺,熟悉抽真空设备的构造和工作原理,分析传统工艺的缺点。

    Study on traditional vacuum equipment and technique , familiarize the structure , composition and mode of operation of vacuum equipment to find the defect of traditional technology . 4 .

  28. 立足于国产材料、真空设备和技术,设计、建立了一套用于铯原子磁光阱的超高真空系统。

    Abstract Basing on homemade vacuum equipment , materials and technology a set of vacuum system with ultra high vacuum degree has beem designed and constructed for magneto optical trap of Cesium atoms .

  29. 通过气压冷凝器设计的实例,表明这一方法己成功地用作玻璃钢真空设备的设计依据。

    The design of the reinforcing ring and the calculation of external pressure seal were summarized , which had been used as the design basis of the FRP vacuum equipments with the practical example of barometric condenser .

  30. 与传统的锰-钼法和活性金属钎焊法相比,这一新方法不仅工艺过程简单,生产率高,也无需专用钎料和昂贵的高真空设备。

    The new technique has advantages over traditional Mn-Mo process and active metal brazing process in simplifying the operating process , cutting short the production time , needing nol the special filler metal and the equip-ment with high vacuum .