
zhēn shí ɡǎn
  • sense of reality
真实感 [zhēn shí gǎn]
  • [flesh; sense of reality] 与实际情况相符的感觉

  • 公爵夫人不像剧中其他角色那样给人以真实感

  1. 电视新闻中的视觉空间与新闻真实感

    Sense of Reality of TV News and Visual Space

  2. 空间曲面真实感的全方位体视

    All directional appearance of surface sense of reality

  3. 本文介绍了家具CAD真实感图形处理中的一些方法。

    This article presents some methods of realistic graphics processing in furniture CAD .

  4. 基于组件技术的NC刀具三维真实感显示及管理

    Real 3D Display and Management of NC Cutter Based on Component Technique

  5. 使用图像的最大的好处在于不仅能够用来恢复形状,同时也能获取表面纹理,可以用于基于3D模型的真实感绘制。

    By image-based modeling , both shape and surface texture can be acquired for realistic rendering .

  6. 家具CAD真实感图形处理系统

    Furniture CAD realistic graphics processing system

  7. 随着对图形真实感要求的提高,CAD三维造型系统中开始使用图像绘制技术。

    Image rendering technology becomes appearing in 3D solid modeling system as the demand of realistic graphics is increasing .

  8. 基于OpenGL和分形技术的真实感云彩生成

    Generation of realistic graphics of cloud based on OpenGL and fractal

  9. 虚拟建筑是指使用CAD工具和真实感图形绘制技术建造的三维建筑模型。

    Virtual Architecture is defined as the 3D model of building , which employ both CAD utensils and Graphics technology .

  10. 采用OpenGL技术利用已经生成的数字高程模型生成具有真实感的地形。

    The DEM which was generated by OpenGL technologies has the realistic topography map .

  11. 基于OpenGL的三维真实感地质体研究

    Study on 3D realistic geology based on OpenGL

  12. 一种基于OpenGL的三维地景真实感绘制技术

    Technology of Texture Mapping for Realistic Rendering of 3D Terrain Scene Based on OpenGL

  13. 与真实感绘制技术关注于传统的3D图形学不同,非真实感绘制技术更加强调艺术表现力、主观意识与情绪的传递以及强化重要信息、忽略非关键信息等方面。

    Unlike photorealistic rendering striven by traditional 3D computer graphics , NPR emphasizes artistic expression , subjective mood imbuing , and downplaying unimportant information .

  14. 在3D场景中加入雾化效果能增加场景的真实感、纵深感和距离感,创造环境氛围。

    Adding fog effects to a 3D scene can give greater realism , depth and distance , and provide ambiance or set a mood .

  15. 最后采用OpenGL技术实现了重建物体的真实感显示。

    3D realistic display of reconstructed human liver veins is implemented by using OpenGL programming .

  16. 基于VC和OpenGL生成三维真实感地形

    A Study on Generation of Three Dimension Realistic Terrain Based on VC + + 6.0 and OpenGL

  17. 在VC~(++).NET中用OpenGL实现真实感图形设计

    Programming design of realistic graphics with OpenGL in VC ~ ( + + ) . NET

  18. NET技术的VC++实现了三维地形景观可视化处理。包括三维真实感地形、三角网地形、基于LOD的实时地景漫游、表面纹理、缩放、鸟眼等。

    It realizes the visualization of 3D terrain scene with the technique of OpenGL and VC + + based on the .

  19. 快速成型中CLI模型的真实感图形研究

    Research on true-color graphics of CLI models in rapid prototyping field

  20. 最后简要介绍使用OpenGL光照模型,材质模型,纹理贴图等功能进行真实感绘制的技术。

    In the end realistic 3D rendering using OpenGL lighting , material and texture mapping functions is briefly discussed .

  21. 基于纹理映射和fBm的真实感地形研究

    Study on the Realistic Terrain Based on Texture Mapping and fBm

  22. 用OpenGL图形库进行三维仿真,真实感强,因而具有较高的使用价值和良好的应用前景。

    It has a strong 3D simulation with OpenGL graphics class , therefore has preferable value to use and good foreground for application .

  23. 在研究过程中使用面向对象的商业软件Openinventor,实现储层地质模型的三维可视化和二维可视化,得到具有真实感的图形。

    During the research , using the object-oriented Open Inventor commercial software to realize three-dimensional visualization and two-dimensional visualization of reservoir geological model , thus realistic graphics are created .

  24. 基于可编程图形硬件的非真实感绘制(NPR)技术

    Non-Photorealistic Rendering Techniques Based on Programmable Graphics Hardware

  25. 用OpenGL的三角形图元及纹理坐标功能显示雨滴水波,用其纹理映射技术映射雨滴场景,实现三维真实感效果。

    The other is raindrops and ripples are showed by triangles , texture coordinate , texture mapping in OpenGL with three - dimensional scene .

  26. 碰撞检测问题是计算机仿真、CAD、机器人中的一个基本问题,主要用于提高虚拟场景的真实感或进行机器人的路径规划等。

    Collision detection problem is a basic problem in computer simulation , CAD ; robotics . It is mainly used to enhance the reality of virtual scene or applied for robot Path planning .

  27. 试验结果表明根据本文方法得到的果实模型可以有效解决果实表面真实感不足的问题。(2)实现将3d植物器官导入到虚拟植物平台中去。

    The Experimental results proved that our method can efficiently solve the deficiency of fruit surface reality . ( 2 ) We have found the solution to introduce plant organs into the 3d virtual platform .

  28. 为了能在基于PC平台的虚拟现实中实现更具真实感的人体运动仿真,该文提出一种改进的约束求解方法,将人体建模为基于约束关节树的骨骼结构。

    In order to make human motion simulation more realistic in Virtual Reality on PC platform , this paper introduces an improved method of modeling human body as a tree with constraint joints .

  29. 基于表面微结构与BRDF的真实感渲染

    Realism rendering based on mesostructure and BRDF

  30. 主要研究和探讨了基于DirectX的真实感地形实时渲染技术。

    This paper researches and discusses the technique of third-dimension terrain romancing basing on DirectX .