
  • 网络jeanswest
  1. 比如,学生们非常不喜欢真维斯楼这个名字。

    Students , for example , strongly dislike the Jeanswest Building .

  2. 清华大学的新“真维斯楼”引起人们对其合法性和道德正确性的争议。

    The University 's new Jeanswest Building sparked debate about its legitimacy and moral correctness .

  3. 在把学校建筑物之一冠名为真维斯,一个服装品牌后,清华大学现在面临巨大压力。

    The top education institution is under pressure , after naming one of its buildings Jeanswest , a clothing brand .

  4. 北京清华大学一栋教学楼以一个著名服装品牌&真维斯命名后引起了社会的争议。

    A teaching building at Beijing 's Tsinghua University has ignited social debate after being named after a popular garment brand , Jeanswest .

  5. 全国知名休闲服品牌真维斯正是采用这种方法,有效地控制了其店铺服务,并将其保持在一个较高的水平上。

    The famous brand " Jeanswest " who is using this method to control the shop service effectively and keep the service in a relative high level .