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  • vacuum cooling
  1. 不同蔬菜真空冷却过程影响因素分析

    Analysis of Affecting Factors of Vacuum Cooling Process of Different Vegetables

  2. 自动补气阀对卷心菜真空冷却过程的影响

    Influence of Automatic Air Compensating Valve on Process of Cabbage Vacuum Cooling

  3. 对于特定食品的真空冷却,设定一个恰当的自动补气阀工作压力范围,可以有效减小各部分的温差。Air(初三适用)

    The results show that the selection of an appropriate range of automatic air compensating valve when some special foods are cooled in vacuum equipment can reduce the temperature difference in the foods .

  4. 叙述用化学共沉法制备粉料,用空气烧结,真空冷却工艺制备出μi达1万的Mn-Zn铁氧体,其磁性能处于目前国内领先水平。

    Mn-Zn Ferrite whose initial permeability comes up to 10,000 can be manufactured if the powders are prepared by chemical coprecipitation process , sintered by using air , cooled in vacuum , Its magnetic properties are up to advanced standard in China , now .

  5. 确定了硝酸钾溶液真空冷却结晶操作条件为,真空度2339Pa,结晶时间2.0h,冷却终点温度30℃。

    The conditions of crystallization are vacuum degree of 2 339 Pa , time period of 2 h , the terminal cooling temperature of 30 ℃ .

  6. 低位真空冷却装置在磷酸系统中的应用

    Application of low level flash vacuum cooling unit in PA plant

  7. 氯酸钠真空冷却结晶工艺

    Brief Discussion on Crystallization of Sodium Chlorate with Vacuum and Cooling

  8. 压力波动对卷心菜真空冷却效果的影响

    Effect of pressure fluctuation on vacuum cooling performance of cabbage

  9. 食品加工业中极具应用潜力的真空冷却技术

    The potential Application of Vacuum Cooling Technology in Food Processing

  10. 真空冷却过程中熟肉的水分迁移特性的实验研究

    Investigation on characteristics of moisture movement of cooked meat during vacuum cooling

  11. 全自动真空冷却性能测试装置的研制

    Development for an automatic control testing equipment on vacuum cooling

  12. 二水物真空冷却流程制造湿法磷酸的研究

    Dihydrate process for manufacturing of phosphoric acid with vacuum cooling

  13. 一种新型真空冷却测试装置及实验分析

    A New Vacuum Cooling Test Equipment and Experiment Research

  14. 真空冷却气调技术及在农产品保鲜中的应用

    Vacuum Cooling with Atmospheric Control Storage and its Application

  15. 真空冷却过程中的一些热现象分析研究

    Analysis of some thermal phenomena in vacuum cooling process

  16. 硝酸钾真空冷却结晶工艺

    Crystallization process of potassium nitrate by cooling in vacuum

  17. 真空冷却系统连通管路失效分析

    Failure Analysis of Connecting Pipe for Vacuum Refrigeration System

  18. 凝水器对真空冷却效果的影响分析

    On the effect of condensing worm on vacuum cooling

  19. 熟肉真空冷却过程的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation during vacuum cooling of cooked meat

  20. 蔬菜真空冷却实验研究

    Experimental Study on Vegetables Using Vacuum Cooling Methed

  21. 真空冷却的理论模拟与实验研究

    Theoretical simulation and experimental study on vacuum cooling

  22. 真空冷却过程的机理分析

    Analysis on the mechanism of vacuum cooling process

  23. 食品真空冷却的机制、特性与实验装置

    Characterization of vacuum cooling of vegetables and fruits

  24. 食品真空冷却技术及其设备的设计

    Vacuum Cooling Technology on Food and Equipment Design

  25. 茼蒿真空冷却的实验研究

    Study on the Vacuum Cooling of Crown Daisy

  26. 真空冷却过程中水分迁移的数学模型

    Mathematical model of moisture movement during vacuum cooling

  27. 球形食品真空冷却过程中参数分析

    Parametric analysis of spherical foods during vacuum cooling

  28. 真空冷却过程中水分蒸发沸腾的数值模拟(Ⅱ):模型的验证

    Numerical simulation of moisture movement during vacuum cooling process (ⅱ): validation of mathematical model

  29. 真空冷却中的气体温度变化特性研究

    Study on Air Temperature of Vacuum Cooling

  30. 硝酸钾真空冷却结晶温度与真空度关联式研究

    Study of a correlative formula between vacuum degrees and vacuum-cooling-crystallization temperature of potassium nitrate solution