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  • Cure diseases;treat illness
  1. 它们的主要功效是保健而非治病。

    Their main job is to preserve health rather than treat illness

  2. 除了日常生活不便之外,巴基斯坦医疗机构指出,频繁断电妨碍了治病工作,尤其是在巴基斯坦东部爆发急性登革热的时候。

    Beyond ordinary inconvenience , Pakistani medical facilities say the frequent outages hinder efforts to treat illness , particularly an acute outbreak of dengue fever in the east .

  3. 拿钱到医院治病有违她的原则。

    Paying for hospital treatment goes against her principles .

  4. 在古代,狗也与治病有关。

    Dogs were also associated with healing in the ancient world .

  5. 在有些人看来,用草药治病纯属江湖医术。

    To some people , herbal medicine is quackery .

  6. 远古文明相信新鲜的空气和阳光有治病的功效。

    Ancient civilizations believed in the curative powers of fresh air and sunlight .

  7. 这个教堂接收到一笔遗产,可以用来聘请医生为穷人治病。

    The church here was left a bequest to hire doctors who would work amongst the poor .

  8. 有个人生病了。他的妻子请了一位医生来给他治病。

    A man fell ill . His wife called a doctor in for him .

  9. 圣彼得让他进了天堂。第二个医生回答我没得过什么奖,但我开设过免费门诊,免费治病。圣彼得让他进了天堂。

    The second doctor said , ″ I haven 't won any prizes , but I 've started free clinics and helped those in need forfree . ″ St. Peter let him in .

  10. 丹酚酸b主要通过调节机体免疫生理过程(炎症)来达到治病目的。

    Salvianolic acid B primarily influences immune biological process ( inflammation ) to cure CVD .

  11. PS保健丝绸的护肤治病功能及机理

    Machanism and Skin Care & Cure Functions of PS Heath Silk

  12. 研究者决定寻找其它治病基因,并把焦点集中在包括因子H的免疫反应途径中的基因上。

    The investigators decided to look for additional culprits and focused on genes in the same immune response pathway that contains Factor H.

  13. 药物与DNA相互作用的研究是认识某些疾病的致病机制和药物的治病机制的基础,在阐明DNA结构和功能方面也有重要意义。

    The interaction between drugs and DNA is the foundation of understanding certain diseases pathogenic mechanism and drug cure mechanism . It has an important significance in clarifying the structure and function of DNA .

  14. X射线诊断、临床核医学、放射治疗及介入放射学等放射学科已成为现代医学的重要组成部分,为人类防病治病带来了巨大的利益。

    X-ray diagnosis , clinical nuclear medicine , radiation therapy and interventional radiology became the important components of the modern medicine , bringing great benefits to the prevention and curation of human disease .

  15. COPD并慢性肺源性心脏病,是肺系常见病,病情较为复杂,也是难治病证。

    COPD and chronic pulmonary heart disease , is a common disease of pulmonary system , the condition is more or less complicated and difficult to treat .

  16. 方法对已确诊的住院晚期胃癌52例采用AMF方案或TMF方案化疗配合中药辩证施治病与文献报道单用化疗的疗效比较。

    Methods 52 cases of patients with advanced gastric cancer were treated with AMF or TMF and Chinese medicines .

  17. 马尼拉摩的(motorcycletaxi)司机IluminadoBoc急需大笔钱给他老婆治病和偿还债务,但是当他在拾到乘客丢下的17000美元后,直接上交到当地警局,而那位丢失钱包的女士刚刚报警。

    He needed the money for his sick wife and overdue rent , but honesty prevented a motorcycle taxi driver from keeping $ 17,000 left behind by a passenger .

  18. 这一理论亦体现了从治人的病到治病的人的治疗策略的转变,提示我们应重视中医肺生理病理与ALI发病之间的关系。

    The theory also made us change the therapeutic strategy from diseases to sick person and think highly of the relation between the physiological functions of TCM lung with ALI .

  19. 结论:农村已婚育龄妇女RTI的患病率高,求医意识淡漠,遵医嘱治病率低。

    Conclusion : RTI prevalence rate in married childbearing age women in rural area was high , their consciousness on seeking health care was low and their compliance was poor .

  20. 莉顿梅斯特为了尽好做姐姐的责任,每个月汇给母亲7500美元帮助患有严重疾病的弟弟Lex治病。

    Leighton Meester , trying to be the best sister she can , had sent her mother $ 7,500 a month to help out with her brother Lex , who has ' severe medical issues ' .

  21. 许多证据表明,子宫合成与释放前列腺素(prostaglandins,PG)增加,是原发性痛经的重要治病因素,经测定痛经患者子宫内膜前列腺素较正常妇女明显升高。

    Many evidences show that the increased synthesis and secretion of prostaglandin are important causes of primary dysmenorrhea , and those who suffered from the disease do have a markedly higher level of prostaglandin in endometrium than average woman .

  22. 财政困难是各国融入经济全球化洪流的通病,而各国开出的治病良方就是新公共管理(NPM)。

    Financial difficulty is the common disease which all the countries suffer from when they are in the flood of economic globalization and the universal prescription is the New Public Management ( NPM ) .

  23. 本文从BKV病毒学、流行病学、治病的高危因素、致病机理及BKVAN的临床特点、诊断及治疗等方面对本病加以综述。

    This paper is reviewed from virology , epidemiology , risk factors , the pathogenic mechanism of BK virus and the clinical features , diagnosis , treatment of BKVAN .

  24. 轻剂治病的理论与临床研究

    Theoretical and Clinical Research on the Therapy of Light Diaphoretic Prescription

  25. 治病是要时间的,心灵疗伤也是一样。

    It takes time to heal . So goes the heart .

  26. 病人因为泉水可治病而去洗温泉。

    Sick people go to hot springs for the curative waters .

  27. 这些圣徒被认为具有天赐的治病神力。

    These saints are accredited with the blessed gift of healing .

  28. 为了治病他戒掉烟酒。

    He gave up smoking and drinking to cure his disease .

  29. 你帮别人治病的事对她来说很重要。

    The healing work you do was really important to her .

  30. 他看到情况不妙,主动要求找扁鹊来治病。

    He sees things , active request to find cures textual .