
  • 网络communication function
  1. 儒家传播功能论的当代价值定位

    On Contemporary Value of the Theory of Confucianists ' Communication Function

  2. 这些调查结果都有力地证明了手机媒介大众传播功能正渐渐成为一个热门、有价值的研究课题。

    These data are strong evidence of mobile media of mass communication function is increasingly becoming a popular and valuable study .

  3. 其传播功能、导向功能、凝聚功能、催化功能和控制功能等等是科学事业发展中必不可少的重要因素。

    The functions of their diffuseness , orientation , agglomeration , catalyzer and controls are indispensable factors of science development .

  4. 《无极》vs.《馒头》:大众传播功能主义学的解读

    " Promise " vs. " Steamed Bread ": An Explanation from Mass Communication Functionalism

  5. 手机媒体的未来必定是一种集多种媒体于一身的、以大众传播功能为主的名副其实的“富媒体”(RichMedia)。

    The future of the handset media is doomed to be a genuine " rich media " which including multiple medias and taking the mass communication as the main function .

  6. SNS是社会化媒体,它拥有比传统媒体更多更强大的传播功能,而广告是社会化媒体营销的最主要手段。

    SNS is a social media , its communications function more and stronger than traditional media , while advertising is the most important tool of the social media marketing .

  7. 手机短信的大众传播功能和效果

    Mass Communication Functions and Effects of Text Messages of Mobile Phones

  8. 文艺批评的传播功能艺术传播的信息

    Spreading fuction of literature and art The Information of Artistic Dissemination

  9. 试论奥运会的文化传播功能

    On the Function of Cultural Communication Fulfilled by the Olympic Game

  10. 教育文化传播功能对政治和经济的影响

    The Influence of Cultural Dissemination Function of Education on Politics and Economy

  11. 角色扮演类网络游戏对传统文化的传播功能研究

    Study on Function of Role-playing Online Games as Communicator of Traditional Culture

  12. 手机媒体大众传播功能探析

    Research of the Mass Communication Functions of the Handset Media

  13. 学术期刊信息传播功能的分化与重整

    Separation and recombination of information spreading functions of academic journals

  14. 汉字文化及其社会传播功能

    The Culture of Chinese Characters and Its Social Communicating Function

  15. 必须禁用插件文件自动生成和传播功能。

    You must disable automatic plug-in file generation and propagation .

  16. 当代大众传媒的科普传播功能及策略研究

    The Research on Modern Mass Media 's Science Popularization Function

  17. 文字作为视觉信息符号,具有两大功能特征:信息传播功能和视觉审美功能。

    They have two functions : transmitting information and creating visual aesthetic feelings .

  18. 商标及其翻译的文化传播功能

    On trademark and its translation for spreading cultural functions

  19. 科技期刊信息传播功能的演进

    The evolution of information spreading function of sci-tech periodicals

  20. 论学术文摘期刊的独特传播功能

    The Unique Communicating Functions of the Academic Digest Periodical

  21. 论手机的传播功能与传播效果

    Analysis of Spread Function and Effect of Mobile Phone

  22. 论网络媒体传播功能的特点

    On Characteristics of Communicational Function of Networking Media

  23. 广告人物符号传播功能及运用趋势探讨

    Human Image in Advertising : Its Communicative Function and the Trend of Its Application

  24. 高校图书馆知识传播功能的拓展

    Analysis on the Extension of the Function of Knowledge Promulgation in the Academic Library

  25. 我认为,娱乐化是对大众传播功能的中心化。

    I believed that , the entertainment is to the mass media dissemination function centralization .

  26. 大众传播功能研究新论

    Research on the Function of Mass Communication

  27. 文艺批评的传播功能

    Spreading fuction of literature and art

  28. 商业广告时于文化具有传播功能、改造功能,交流和整合功能。

    Therefore business advertisements have certain cultural functions of spread , reformation , exchange and integration .

  29. 论问题新闻的传播功能

    The Disseminative Function of Problem News

  30. 论开放存取运动中高校图书馆传播功能转变与其角色定位

    The Transmission Function Shift and the Role Positioning of University Library in the Open Access Movement