
  1. 实验结果表明:ZF-W用量为0.3%~2%时对植物染色具有最佳渗透和促染效果,说明其有明显的渗透助染效果。

    The experiment shows that the optimum penetration and dyeing acceleration will be obtained when the dosage of ZF-W is 0.3 % - 0.2 % , which confirms the obvious penetrant and dyeing assisting effect .

  2. 指出了天然植物染色的前景。

    The prospects of natural plant dyeing are pointed out .

  3. 其实,植物染色剂是最环保舒适的材料。

    In fact , colorant extracted from plants is environmental .

  4. 极大的阻碍了植物染色产品的发展。

    The great hindrance plant is dyed the development of the products .

  5. 柑桔类植物染色观察方法的初探

    Stud-ies on the methods in observing the chromosome of the citrus plant

  6. 天然植物染色研究概述

    General Introduction to Dyeing Research of Natural Plants

  7. 色:天然植物染色本身就是色彩的艺术。

    Color : Art that itself is the color that the natural plant is dyed .

  8. 提出了天然植物染色研发应用中存在的一些问题和发展前景。

    Same questions in research , development and applications of natural plant dyeing are put .

  9. 植物染色技术

    Dyeing Technology of Vegetable Dyes

  10. 由于植物染色具有色彩多,技术成熟等优点。

    Because the plant is dyed have color more , the advantage such as being ripe of technology .

  11. 植物染色不仅是环保的,也可以和扎染艺术配合得天衣无缝。

    Not only environmental protection that the plant is dyed , but also can cooperate with tie dyeing art flawlessly .

  12. 在主厅的四周则被14尺高定制的植物染色木皮层百叶帘所包围;它们在窗户的内层提供可调整的机制。

    The main dining room is surrounded by14 foot high custom-made , vegetable-dyed wood veneer shutters creating an operable layer in front of existing windows .

  13. 经过多年探索,夏布环保染料染色及夏布植物染色的技术水平取得突破,保证了夏布制品的天然优质属性。

    After years of exploration , environmental grass cloth dyeing plants and grass cloth dyeing technology breakthrough , ensuring the grass cloth products , the natural quality attributes .

  14. 特别是天然植物染色的内衣、婴幼儿装、床上用品等。但也存在一个问题,那就是这种产品的洗涤。

    Especially natural plant dye underwear , infant and pre-school children installing , bed clothes , etc * But a problem exists , that is washing of this kind of product .

  15. 题记:上午和同事探讨时,他向我提出了一个问题:你能把植物染色用最简单的几个字概括出来吗?

    Remember the question : At the time of the morning and colleague 's discussion , he puts forward a question to me : Can you dye until how many words summarize plant out a most simple one ?

  16. 对羊毛织物的表面进行了电晕处理,用XPS和SEM研究了处理前后纤维表面化学结构及物理结构的变化,探讨羊毛的润湿性、表面静电性能和对植物染料染色性能的变化。

    The modification of wool surface properties induced by the sputtering of corona discharge treatment , such as hydrophilicity , surface electrostatic and dyeability with natural dyes , have been investigated .

  17. 本文以蚕豆、洋葱、大麦、黑麦为材料,建立了一个植物姐妹染色单体分染(SCD)新技术。

    A new techniqe which allows a differential staining of sister chromatids in Vicia faba , Allium cepa , Hordeum vulgare , Secale cereale has been established .

  18. 红花黄植物染料染色的环氧交联固色处理

    Epoxy Cross-Linking Fixation of Cotton Fabric Dyed with Vegetable Saflor Yellow Dye

  19. 分析了植物染料染色牢度的特点。

    The characteristics of dyeing fastness of natural plant dyeing are analyzed .

  20. 棉及真丝针织物的天然植物染料染色

    Dyeing Cotton and Silk Knitted Fabric with Natural Plant Dyestuff

  21. 我国古代植物靛蓝染色的探讨

    A Research into Vegetable Indigo Dyeing in Ancient China

  22. 他们也不都用焦炭或者植物性染色剂吗?

    Didn 't they use , like charcoal or maybe colors , dyes made from plants ?

  23. 三种植物染料染色毛织物对金黄色葡萄球菌均有抑制作用。

    The wool fabrics which dyed with the three nature dyes have inhibitory activity against staphylococcus aureus .

  24. 用植物染料染色,绿色是较难得到的颜色,且相应的植物较少。

    Green color is more difficult to get than other colors when using vegetable dyes to dye . What 's more , corresponding green dyes are few .

  25. 移植物HE染色可见大量矿化基质沿微孔滤膜沉积,矿化物厚度较一致,在基质表面有极化的成牙本质细胞样细胞分布。

    HE staining showed a large number of graft mineralized matrix deposition along the porous membrane , the thickness of mineralization than the same polarization in the substrate surface odontoblast-like cell distribution .

  26. 总结了国内外在植物染料染色牢度方面的研究成果,探讨了影响植物染料染色织物的耐光牢度、水洗牢度和摩擦牢度的因素。

    This paper sums up the achievement of domestic and foreign researches on the dyeing strength of the vegetable dye , and probes into the factors influencing the sun-shining strength , washing strength and rubbing strength of the vegetable dye .

  27. 介绍使用闪光灯进行丝绸光老化实验的方法,通过对6种丝绸样品的光老化实验,研究闪光灯光照对白色丝绸及植物染料染色的丝绸产生的老化作用。

    A sort of light ageing experiment method is introduced which uses flash lamp to exposure silks . Through light ageing experiment for six kinds of silk cloth , aging effect of flashlight for white silks and dyeing silks by vegetable dyes is studied .

  28. 一种改进的植物染色体Ag-NOR染色方法及其应用

    An improved method for Ag-NOR staining and its application to plant chromosomes

  29. 羊毛织物的天然植物染料姜黄染色研究

    Dyeing of wool fabrics with natural vegetable dye turmeric

  30. 植物染料复配染色技术研究及其在羊毛制品上的应用

    The Research on Complex Dyeing of Natural Dyes and Its Application on Wool Fabrics