
  • 网络modal;Model;Modol
  1. 帕特森研究了高档百货商店里最畅销的男士内衣,分析其用料与设计,随后发现了超细莫代尔(micromodal)的优点。

    After researching fabrics and designs of the bestselling undershirts at high-end department stores , Patterson came across micro modal .

  2. 选用了EX型、BF型两类活性染料,在不同质量浓度下对莫代尔纤维进行染色。

    The EX-type and BF-type reactive dyes are selected to dye modal fiber at different concentrations .

  3. 精练漂白剂NF-1在莫代尔/棉针织物上的应用

    Application of scouring and bleaching agent NF-1 to Modal / cotton knitted fabric

  4. 介绍了日本ITOI纺织有限公司开发的一种新型可洗天鹅绒,它采用75%的莫代尔与25%的聚酯纤维交织而成。

    This article introduces a new washable velvet developed by Japan ITOI TEXTILE CO. , LTD , which is made of75 % Rayon and25 % Polyester .

  5. 涤纶莫代尔亚麻服装面料的开发

    Develop Garment Fabric with Polyester / Modal / Flax Blended Yarn

  6. 莫代尔和棉针织物服用性能的研究

    A Study on Wearing Characteristics of Modal and Cotton Knitted Fabric

  7. 练漂剂ON在莫代尔/棉毛巾上的应用

    Application of scouring and bleaching agent ON to Modal / cotton towel

  8. 用自伸长长丝和莫代尔短纤纱开发针织新面料

    New Knitting Fabric Developed with PET Self-elongation Filament and Modal Spun Yarn

  9. 莫代尔/细绒棉/山羊绒半精纺针织纱线的开发

    Development of Modal / Upland Cotton / Cashmere Semi-Worsted Spinning Knitted Yarn

  10. 莫代尔/羊毛精纺面料的开发与研究

    The Development and Research of Worsted Fabric with Modal / Wool Blended Yarn

  11. 莫代尔与彩棉混纺纱的开发

    The development on modal and colored cotton mixed yarn

  12. 莫代尔/毛精纺面料模糊聚类分析

    Fuzzy Clustering Analysis of Modal / Wool Worsted Fabrics

  13. 莫代尔/牛奶纤维混纺针织物的活性染色

    Reactive dyeing of Modal and milk fiber blended knitteds

  14. 莫代尔/氨纶针织物的染整加工

    Dyeing and Finishing of Modal / Spandex Knitgoods

  15. 各类化纤纱线:人造棉,天丝,莫代尔。

    Chemical and man made fiber yarn : rayon spun , Tencil , Modal .

  16. 莫代尔牛奶蛋白纤维针织物前处理工艺探讨

    A research on the pretreatment technology of the Modal milk protein fiber knitted fabric

  17. 介绍了莫代尔/棉弹力针织物的染整工艺和注意要点。

    Dyeing and finishing process of Modal / cotton elastic knitted fabric was introduced .

  18. 莫代尔织物的染整加工

    Dyeing Process of MODAL Knitted Fabrics

  19. 以纳米莫代尔针织物为主要研究对象,辅之以未处理莫代尔针织物,对其进行抗起球整理。

    Nano-modal knitted fabric were the main object of anti-pilling finishing study , complemented by the unhandled modal knitted fabric .

  20. 介绍了莫代尔纤维的染色工艺及提高染色质量的有效途径和相应措施。

    The paper introduces the dyeing process of Modal loose stock fibres and the effective methods and measures for improving the quality of dyeing .

  21. 牛奶蛋白/莫代尔/长绒棉/羊毛混纺织物的柔软度与棉接近,成型性比棉好。

    Milk protein fiber / modal / long-staple cotton / wool blend fabric with cotton close to flexibility , its formability better than cotton .

  22. 采用数理统计中的聚类分析方法对实验测定的织物各项服用性能的数据结果进行处理和分析,将各项测试结果综合考虑,以评价天丝莫代尔织物的综合服用性能;

    By clustering analysis processing and analyzing data from experiments , in order to evaluate wearing properties of Tencel and Modal fabrics and gain further conclusions ;

  23. 混纺纱线含有绢丝的织物的抗皱性能较差,含有牛奶蛋白、莫代尔、天丝等原料的混纺纱线的织物相对比较柔软。

    Yarn and fabric containing silk , its anti-wrinkle performance is poor , containing milk protein , Modal , Tencel blended yarn , fabric is relatively soft .

  24. 针对莫代尔/氨纶纱的特点及其对染整加工工艺的要求,给出了莫代尔/氨纶针织物染整工艺条件。

    The dyeing and finishing process conditions of modal / spandex knitgoods are given based on the characteristics and requirements on dyeing and finishing of modal / spandex yarn .

  25. 莫代尔/氨纶弹力汗布的染整生产工艺涤棉混纺针织物免还原清洗染整工艺

    Dyeing and Finishing Production Technology of Modal / Spandex Elastic Jersey Study of the reduction clearing free dyeing and finishing technology for the polyester / cotton blended knitted fabric

  26. 走进韩珀莱摩登莫代尔系列,领略那棉般柔软、丝般光泽、麻般滑爽,带来天然纤维的豪华质感与人造纤维的实用性合二为一的摩登体验。

    Arounding by HIBLIN modern model series , you can feel cotton softness , silky brightness and flax smoothness , and modern experience of luxury quality and manual fibre practicability .

  27. 介绍了利用聚酯自伸长长丝与莫代尔短纤纱恰当组合,变换多种编织方法进行交织或者利用二者形成复合纱进行编织等手段,开发了具有新风格、新特性的针织面料。

    The knitting fabrics were developed with new style and by transforming knitting means to interweave the yarns , forming composite yarn of zero twist using the two kinds of materials .

  28. 而非取代所有的衣服。在Storq的网站上,弹性莫代尔单品――半身裙、连身裙、打底裤、背心――可以分开购买,也可以以195美元的价格购买整套。

    Storq 's stretchy modal pieces-skirt , dress , leggings , tank top-can be purchased separately , or as a complete set for $ 195 , on the brand 's website .

  29. 服用性能方面,牛奶蛋白/莫代尔/羊毛/绢丝混纺织物比较柔软、丰厚,织物的成型性与棉相近。

    In terms of the wearability , milk protein fiber / modal / wool / silk blend fabric more soft and rich , its fabric formability and cotton fabrics formability similar .

  30. 其中,绿色环保纤维天丝、莫代尔及其最终产品绿色环保服装的开发,已成为服装业的一场绿色革命。

    For example , Tencel fiber , Modal fiber ( environmental protection fibers ) and their finished products have come into being , which become a " green " revolution in garment industry .