
  • 网络Murdoch;murdoch university;MurdochUniversity
  1. 我在莫道克大学渡过了一个难忘的交流学期。

    My exchange semester at Murdoch University was truly amazing !

  2. 我选择莫道克大学,因为通过修读该校具有全球竞争力的研究课程,我有信心能拥有一个精彩的未来。

    I chose Murdoch University because it allows me to work towards a better future in a globally competitive research program .

  3. 莫道克大学的氛围和全体教职员都非常热情与友善。

    The atmosphere and staff in Murdoch are welcoming and pleasant .

  4. 我的留学旅程为我创造了美好的就业机会。莫道克大学绝对是我正确的选择。

    My study opened great professional opportunities for me * Murdoch is definitely the right choice .

  5. 通过参加莫道克大学丰富的社团活动,我认识了友好的澳大利亚朋友和其他来自世界各地的新朋友。

    I also met great " Aussies " and made new friends from all over the world through Murdoch community events .

  6. 走在莫道克大学宽阔葱郁的校园,你很容易忘记自己与繁华热闹的城市只有一线之隔。十分友好、平易近人的教职工使学习变得容易起来。

    Murdoch 's sprawling , leafy-green campus makes you forget that you are just a little while away from the bustle of the city .

  7. 当我决定要出国留学时,我的第一选择无疑是在教学水平和质量方面拥有卓越声誉的莫道克大学。

    When I decided to study overseas , Murdoch was the first university I thought of , as it has an excellent reputation for educational standards and quality .

  8. 我永远不会忘记莫道克大学全体教职员的干劲、热情和奉献精神。他们激励我们以无限热忱和正直诚恳的态度服务我们的社区和职业。

    I will always remember the drive , passion , and commitment of the academic staff members * they inspired us to serve the community and the profession with enthusiasm and integrity .