
  • 网络Maud;MAUDE;Mulder
  1. 卡罗尔、劳瑞尔、朱尔斯、塞莱斯、莫德。

    Carol , Laurel , Jules , Therese , Maud .

  2. 何况大部分时间我都和莫德在一起。

    And I passed most of my time , anyway , with Maud .

  3. 约翰让人将莫德和她的儿子关进了地牢。

    John had Maude and her son cast into a dungeon .

  4. 正因如此,当我到达莫德罗会所(ModeloLounge),一家有点荒凉的海边咖啡馆时,我觉得我已经做好了准备工作。

    Which is why , when I arrive at Modelo Lounge , a slightly desolate caf é near the seafront in nearby Hove , I am feeling pretty well briefed .

  5. 我刚才得知莫德?哥尼已被捕。

    I have just learned that mand gonne has been arrested .

  6. 【典型范例2】我刚才得知莫德·哥尼已被捕。

    I have just learned that Mand Gonne has got arrested .

  7. 或许可以解释他与那个汉莫德小姐的关系。

    It might explain the connection between him and the Hammond girl .

  8. 道格特打开莫德公寓的门。

    Doggett opens the door to mulder 's apartment .

  9. 他那蓄积已久的怒气,就像雷电般倾泻在莫德身上。

    All his accumulated nervous agitation was discharged on Maud like a thunderbolt .

  10. 莫德姨母像往常一样向你问候。

    Aunt Maude sent you her love as usual .

  11. 《拥有》中的拉莫特和莫德&女性自我的定义过程

    LaMotte and Maud in Possession & A Process of the Self-definition of Womanhood

  12. 除最后一任皇帝康莫德之外,其余各位皇帝并不存在血缘关系。

    Except last emperor commodus , other every emperor did not have blood relationship .

  13. 莫德姑婆很正经地说她不喜欢我穿的衣服。

    Aunt Maud did not like my clothes and she said so , roundly .

  14. 莫德把它们全都吃光了。

    Maud ate it all up .

  15. 佐拉选择了安静的莫德罗会所(有着一股不祥的气氛),里面几乎空无一人。

    Modelo Lounge , selected ( slightly ominously ) by Zoella for its quietness , is almost deserted .

  16. 莫德姑婆那时年纪已经很大了,意识有点模糊,我想或许她已经忘记了。

    I think Aunt Maud , who was old by then and somewhat vague , may simply have forgotten ;

  17. 亚瑟一直追到法国,但听到莫德雷德反叛的消息,匆忙返回。

    Arthur pursued Lancelot to France but went back to Britain after learning that Modred had seized his kingdom .

  18. 我看不到任何“可能”,莫德姑婆经常说要去哈洛斯百货,但最终也没有实现过。

    No possibilities there that I could see , and the often-promised visits to Harrods never seemed to materialize .

  19. 面临着身份的遗失,罗兰和莫德采取不同的方式来追寻自身身份并最终成功地实现了身份的追寻。

    Confronted with the loss of identity , Roland and Maud take different ways to pursue their identities and finally succeed in identity-seeking .

  20. 分析了两个主要的女性人物,对维多利亚亚时期的女诗人拉莫特和二十世纪女学者莫德进行了分析,探讨了两位不同时期的女性是如何进行身份认证的。

    The Victorian poetess Christabel LaMotte and twentieth century scholar Maud are analyzed . It mainly describes the two women and how to pursue self-identity .

  21. 司法部在诉讼中援引百威英博的内部文件称,莫德罗拒绝配合该公司的年度提价,破坏了该公司的定价战略。

    The DoJ suit cites internal AB InBev documents acknowledging that modelo had undermined its strategy on pricing by refusing to match its annual increases .

  22. 在身份追寻之旅中,罗兰诉求于将自己与前人分离的方式追寻自身身份,而莫德则采取积极的态度与他人建立关系。

    On their way to pursue identity , Roland resorts to separating himself from the predecessor ; while Maud takes a positive attitude to construct relationships with others .

  23. 我的莫德姑婆曾独自一人住在威尔士山区路边的一座偏僻房子里多年,但是她从来就不担心被袭击或者被抢劫,因为她设计了一种独特的方式来保护自己。

    For years my Great Aunt Maud lived alone in a remote cottage beside a road in the Welsh hills . Yet she was never afraid of being attacked or robbed because she had devised a unique way of protecting herself .

  24. 53岁的伊恩•瓦特摩尔于上周辞职,他曾经负责削减政府部门运营成本,也是“奖励、效率和改革小组”的负责人。他任职内阁办公室常任秘书共6个月,但和他的部长-弗朗西斯•莫德有很多分歧。

    Ian Watmore , 53 , who was in charge of cutting costs across departments and headed Rerg , quit last week , six months after he became permanent secretary at the Cabinet Office , following a series of disagreements with his minister , Francis Maude .

  25. 利用资本资产定价模型、哈莫德公式、风险指数回归计算方法和上市公司公开披露的财务信息,结合一具体项目,介绍一投资项目加权平均资本成本的简单估算方法。

    Based on an actual project case , the paper introduces a simple estimating method of weighted average cost of capital ( WACC ) using capital assets pricing model ( CAPM ), Hamada formula , risk index regression calculation method and financial information published by public company .

  26. 不过从那以后,罗伯茨似乎开始有意让演艺事业慢下来。到2007年亨利出生后,他们一家人几乎把所有的时间都耗在素而又僻静的家中,这套住宅是罗伯茨和莫德在马里布的一大片地上盖起来的。

    But from then on , Roberts seems to have tried to slow things down , and after Henry was born in 2007 , the family moved full time to a relatively modest , secluded house that Roberts and Moder built on a sprawling lot in Malibu .

  27. 这些画来自16世纪到19世纪,是栩栩如生的纸面水粉画,主要描绘莫卧儿、德感与拉其普特王朝的宫廷生活,加林先生是一位伦敦交易商,从20世纪60年代开始相关收藏。

    Dating from the 16th to 19th centuries , these vivid gouache-on-paper studies , mainly of Mughal , Deccani and Rajput courtly life , had been acquired by Mr. Gahlin , a London dealer and collector , since the 1960s .