
  • 网络louisiana
  1. 大约100名传教士在路易斯安纳集合。

    About a hundred preachers got together in louisiana .

  2. 她生活在美国南部的路易斯安纳州。

    She lives in Louisiana , a state in the southern part of the United States .

  3. 弗吉尼亚理工学院的研究于3月发表在《农业与食品化学期刊》(TheJournalofAgriculturalandFoodChemistry)上,其结果与路易斯安纳州立大学的结果非常一致。

    These findings are broadly consistent with those from Virginia Tech , published in March in The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry .

  4. 另外一家越来越有意在尼日利亚投资的公司是设在路易斯安纳州的拖泥船设备公司DSC。

    Another company looking more and more at Nigeria is the family-owned Louisiana-based dredging equipment company DSC Dredge .

  5. 美国的路易斯安纳州是从法国买来的。

    The United States came into possession of Louisiana by purchase from france .

  6. 到路易斯安纳州品尝辛辣的凯郡式料理;

    Journey through Louisiana for some spicy Cajun cuisine .

  7. 气象预报专家已对德州海艾兰以东以及临近的路易斯安纳州发出热带性风暴警告。

    Forecasters have issued tropical storm warning from east of High Island , Texas to neighboring Louisiana .

  8. 美国气象科学家说,飓风温贝托向美国路易斯安纳州的西南部移动,风速为每小时130公里。

    U.S.weather scientists say Hurricane Humberto has made its way to southwestern Louisiana with winds of130 kilometers per hour .

  9. 预计,温贝托将给德克萨斯和路易斯安纳的沿海地区带来多达25厘米的雨水。

    Humberto is expected to dump up to25 centimeters of rain over the coast of Texas and Louisiana Thursday .

  10. 搬到迈阿密之后,布兰妮和两个年幼的儿子就离住在路易斯安纳的家人更近了。

    A move to Miami would see spears and her two young sons closer to her family in louisiana .

  11. 共和党预期推选的总统候选人、来自亚利桑纳州的麦凯恩参议员星期二在路易斯安纳州对支持者的演说中,将目光放在了总统大选上面。

    The presumed Republican candidate , Arizona Senator John McCain , set his sights on the general election in remarks to his supporters Tuesday in Louisiana .

  12. 布什总统说,“艾克”飓风造成的影响远不止飓风首先登陆的德克萨斯和路易斯安纳两个州。

    The president says the impact of the storm is being felt far beyond the states of Texas and Louisiana , where the hurricane first made landfall .

  13. 专家认为,正威胁着墨西哥湾以及路易斯安纳州海岸线上的诸多堰洲岛的大面积不仅威胁公众健康,而且可能会给自然环境造成巨大危害。

    The massive oil slick menacing the Gulf of Mexico and now some barrier islands off the coast of Louisiana could prove devastating to the environment while posing risks to public health , experts say .