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路德 [lù dé]
  • [Martin Luther] (1483-1546) 德国宗教改革运动的发起者,基督教(新教)路德宗的创始人

  1. 他作了一次典型的马丁∙路德∙金式的演讲。

    He gave a speech that was worthy of Martin Luther King .

  2. 但鉴于美国市场因马丁•路德•金纪念日(MartinLutherKingDAY)休市,交投相对淡静。

    But activity was relatively light given the closure of US markets for Martin Luther King Day .

  3. 别忘了马丁•路德(MartinLuther)的思想曾引发了欧洲长达130年的宗教战争。

    Remember that Luther 's ideas triggered 130 years of religious wars in Europe .

  4. 然而悲剧性地过早离开这个世界,却是造成偶像最重要的因素&例如:小马丁•路德•金、约翰•F•肯尼迪和黛安娜王妃。

    But nothing confirms an icon more than a tragic death-such as Martin Luther King , Jr. , John F.Kennedy , and Princess Diana .

  5. 这种严格的约束可能会阻止人们犯错:荷兰在透明国际(TransparencyInternational)全球清廉指数排行榜中排名第九,名次仅低于主要信仰路德教派的斯堪的纳维亚国家。

    This stringency may deter people from sinning : the Netherlands ranks ninth in Transparency International 's corruption perception index , just below the mostly Lutheran Scandinavian countries .

  6. 如马丁•路德•金(MartinLutherKing)1968年遇刺前所说:“暴动是不被倾听者的语言(Ariotisthelanguageoftheunheard)。”

    As Martin Luther King said before he was assassinated in 1968 : " A riot is the language of the unheard . "

  7. 路德.金的著名演讲IHaveaDream为例,从词语的选择与使用、句式的变化与特点、具体修辞手法的运用三个方面分析了演讲文体的修辞风格。

    Based on I Have A Dream written by Martin Luther King , Jr , this paper analyses the rhetorical features in public speeches from sentence variety , and specific rhetorical device .

  8. Hunt说到这两部剧:夏洛克是夏季主打,路德则是让人印象深刻的侦探新星。

    Hunt said of the two programmes : Sherlock was the hit of the summer ; Luther , the most memorable new detective on the block .

  9. 1992年,他在名人传记影片《马尔科姆X》里饰演黑人运动领袖,证明了他可以像马丁?路德?金一样点燃正义之火。

    With his portrayal of Malcolm X in the1992 biopic of the Civil Rights leader , he proved that he could be as full of righteous fire as any of Martin Luther King 's colleagues .

  10. 他呼吁他们团结一心,尽其所能地前进,并且引用马丁.路德.金(MartinLutherKing)的话:如果你无法飞翔,那就奔跑吧。

    He called on them to unite and move forward at any pace they could , quoting Martin Luther King : If you can 't fly then run .

  11. 但波士顿电池公司现有股东Venrock和GabrielVenturePartners公司并未参与,不过兰佩-昂纳路德暗示他们可能会参与下一轮融资。

    Existing Boston-Power shareholders Venrock and Gabriel venture partners were not listed , but Lampe - ö nnerud suggests they may participate in an expansion tranche .

  12. 尽管乔布斯的父母对于宗教信仰并不是十分狂热,但他们还是希望自己的孩子能受一点儿宗教教育,所以大多数的星期天他们都会带他去路德教堂(theLutheranChurch)

    Even though they were not fervent about their faith , Jobs 's parents wanted him to have a religious upbringing , so they took him to the Lutheran church most Sundays .

  13. BBC的迷你剧《路德》围绕着一位聪明专注但十分暴力的警探展开,他有时会采用非法的手段处理罪犯。

    The BBC One miniseries " Luther " follows the career of a brilliant , dedicated , but violent police detective who sometimes deals with criminals in ways that are outside the law .

  14. 观众中还有《路德》(Luther)男星伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴(IdrisElba)以及安娜的男友瑞什·伊凡斯(RhysIfans),后者在谢幕时给了安娜做了一个胜利的V字手势。

    Also in the audience were Luther star Idris Elba and Anna 's partner Rhys Ifans , who made V for victory signs to her during the curtain call .

  15. 路德•古利特作为俄罗斯足球超级联赛球队TerekGrozny教练的生涯宣布结束。

    Ruud Gullit 's spell as coach of Terek Grozny in the Russian Football Premier League is over .

  16. 新版5美元的正面仍是亚伯拉罕•林肯(AbrahamLincoln)的头像,但反面将纪念一些发生在华盛顿林肯纪念堂前的历史事件,包括1963年马丁•路德•金(MartinLutherKing)的“我有一个梦想”演讲。

    The new $ 5 bill will continue to feature Abraham Lincoln on the front but will on the back celebrate historic events at his memorial in Washington , including Martin Luther King 's 1963 " I have a dream " speech .

  17. SovannarorthSok是以难民身份来到美国的,如今她是路德教会移民与难民服务组织的工作人员,对新到美国的难民提供帮助。

    Sovannarorth Sok came to America as a refugee . Today she helps them as a case worker for the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service .

  18. 接近30%的受访对象将《神探夏洛克》放在第一名,紧随其后的是《神秘博士》里面的博士、《路德》里面的伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴、《弗尔蒂旅馆》里的罗勒以及《英国疯狂汽车秀》里的stig。

    Almost 30 % of respondents put Sherlock Holmes top , ahead of the Doctor of Doctor Who fame , Idris Elba 's Luther , Fawlty Towers ' Basil and Top Gear 's Stig .

  19. 路德强调缩减宗教节日,简化宗教仪式。

    Luther stressed on reducing religious holiday and simplifying religious rites .

  20. 不要骗我,你是莱克斯路德。

    Don 't lie to me . you 're lex luthor .

  21. 阿珊塔被要求像金博士(马丁•路德•金)那样分享自己的梦想。

    Ashanta was asked to share her dream like Dr King .

  22. 克拉克,我们说的可是莱克斯路德。

    Clark , this is Lex Luthor we 're talking about .

  23. 我现在是我在的路德教会的副主席。

    I 'm now the vice president of my Lutheran church .

  24. 继路德之后,加尔文进一步发展了新教伦理。

    After Martin Luther , Jean Calvin advanced the protestant ethic .

  25. 马丁路德哪一年发表“致基督教贵族”?

    And what year did Martin Luther address the Christian nobility ?

  26. 当然,马丁·路德·金日快乐。

    Oh , of course . Happy Martin Luther King day .

  27. 当他的逝世路德教很快陷入两党。

    Upon his death Lutheranism quickly fell into two parties .

  28. 论马丁·路德中、晚期的宗教改革

    On Religious Reformation of Martin Luther in the Middle and Late Time

  29. 开什么玩笑,路德企业的多金浪子。

    Are you kidding ? The prodigal Luthor son returns .

  30. 小马丁•路德•金梦想着这么一天,在那时

    Martin Luther King , Jr dreamt of the day when