
  • 网络KAREN;Karen Mok
  1. 许多源自不同文化的人都相当欣赏混血儿,诸如莫文蔚、玛吉Q等等,更不要说超级高尔夫明星泰格·伍兹了。

    People of numerous cultures have embraced Eurasians like actresses Karen Mok and Maggie Q , not to mention superstar golf player Tiger Woods .

  2. 最佳国语女歌手奖归属于香港歌手莫文蔚,她在CD专辑《宝贝》中展现了她活泼又悠闲的声乐。

    The award for Best Mandarin Female Performer went to Hong Kong 's Karen Mok , who showcased her jazzy and laid-back vocals on the CD Precious .

  3. 莫文蔚常在她的垃圾箱底放些小苏打粉。

    Karen puts baking soda in the bottom of her litter box .

  4. 安德烈-米勒——莫文蔚

    Andre Miller - Mo Wen Wei " Karen Mok "

  5. 莫文蔚和周星驰间的绯闻已流传了好一段时间。

    Rumours of a love affair between Karen Mok Man-wai and Stephen Chiau Sing-chi have been circulating for some time .

  6. 我个人最喜欢的一幕戏,发生在由我和莫文蔚饰演的一对很亲密、很浪漫的年轻情侣身上。

    One of my favorite scenes is a very intimate and romantic one between two young lovers played by me and Karen .

  7. 像导演张艺谋,演员姜武、周迅、莫文蔚这样的名人都加入到这股新潮流中来。

    Celebrities like director Zhang Yimou , actor Jiang Wu , Zhou Xun and Karen Mok have all joined in the new trend .

  8. 并由张国荣自己亲身参与演出,其它演员有梅艳芳、莫文蔚、梁咏琪、容祖儿、陈键锋、李彩桦等人。

    It features Leslie himself , Anita Mui yim-fong , Karen Mok man-wai , Gigi Leung wing-kei , Joey Yung cho-yee , sammul Chan kin-fung and rain Li choi-wah .

  9. 相对于这首甜美温馨的《宝贝》来说,我可能就比较喜欢莫文蔚的那种《盛夏的果实》和《忽然之间》。

    Compared with this sweet and nice song called " baby ", I might like songs like " Fruit in Hot Summer " and " All of a Sudden " by Karen Mok .

  10. 除了徐导亲自上任担当女一号杜拉拉之外,影片还集结了诸多偶像,比如台湾名模吴佩慈、香港歌影双栖明星莫文蔚、台湾创作型音乐人黄立行等等。

    In addition to Xu , who plays the heroine Du Lala , the movie gathers heartthrobs like Taiwan model Pace Wu , Hong Kong singer-actress Karen Mok and Taiwan singer-actor Stanley Huang .