
  • 网络Morro Castle;El Morro;Fort San Felipe del Morro;Castillo el Morro;Moro Castle
  1. 其中艺术家刘小东受邀前往哈瓦那进行为期一个多月的采风和创作,作品稍后会在特邀艺术家单元展出,展览地点位于哈瓦那的莫罗城堡。

    Liu Xiaodong has been invited to go and produce there for a period of more than one month and his artwork will later be shown in the special union of the Biennial in Morro castle .

  2. 大约离巴尔莫罗城堡还有四十公里

    Approximately 40 kilometers from Balmoral Castle .