
  • 网络mosapride;Mosaprid;mosapride citrate
  1. 枸橼酸莫沙必利及其制剂的HPLC测定

    Determination of mosapride citrate and its preparations by HPLC

  2. 目的探讨枸橼酸莫沙必利和尼莫地平联合治疗糖尿病胃轻瘫(DG)的临床价值。

    Objective To explore the clinic value in patients with Diabetogenous gastroparesis ( DG ) treated with mosapride citrate and nimodipine together .

  3. 盐酸莫沙必利中有关物质的HPLC测定

    Determination of Related Substances in Mosapride Hydrochloride by HPLC

  4. 结论:合募配穴电针法能明显改善DGP患者消化道症状,疗效超过莫沙必利。

    Conclusion Electric acupuncture relieves the symptom of Diabetic Gastroparesis obviously .

  5. 结论:1.克拉霉素、多潘立酮、莫沙必利和伊托必利均能够提高SD大鼠胃和十二指肠肌电活动的振幅及频率,其中伊托必利作用最强,其次是莫沙必利和多潘立酮,克拉霉素最弱。

    Itopride , mosapride , domperidone , and clarithromycin can increase the amplitude and frequency of stomach and duodenum on the SD rats , and among the total , itopride have the best power , second are mosapride and domperidone , and the least is clarithromycin . 2 .

  6. 莫沙必利组治疗后胃半排空时间缩短15min±13min,明显高于多潘立酮组5min±16min。

    The gastric half emptying time shortened for 15 min ± 13 min after treatment in the group mosapride . It was much longer than 5 min ± 16 min in the group domperidone .

  7. 方法治疗组60例患者于3餐前及睡前20~30min口服莫沙必利5~10mg,4周为1疗程,并与服用胃复安的对照组相比较。

    60 patients of the case group were treated with mosapride for 28 days , 3 times a day before meal and sleep with a dose of 5 ~ 10 mg orally , the result was compared with that of the control group treated with metoclopramide .

  8. 灌胃20min后,枸橼酸莫沙必利分散片组的胃排空率仅与一组普通枸橼酸莫沙必利片组和对照组有显著差异(P<0.05)。

    Twenty minutes after administration , the guinea pigs in mosapride citrate dispersible tablet group exhibited a further increased emptying rate of stomach as compared with that in one of the ordinary mosapride citrate tablets groups and the controls , respectively ( P < 0.05 ) .

  9. 雷贝拉唑联合莫沙必利治疗返流性食管炎疗效观察

    Observation on therapeutic effect of rabeprazole and mosapride curing reflux esophagitis

  10. 枸橼酸莫沙必利分散片治疗胃食管反流病临床研究

    Effect of Mosapride citrate in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease

  11. 莫沙必利治疗糖尿病性胃轻瘫临床疗效观察

    Clinical observation of mosapride in treatment of patients with diabetic gastroparesis

  12. 结果总有效率曲美布汀组87.5%,莫沙必利组为90.0%,多潘立酮组为61.7%。

    Results The total effect rate of treatment group was 87.5 % .

  13. 莫沙必利治疗功能性便秘的随机双盲对照研究

    A randomized double-blind controlled trial of mosapride for patients with functional constipation

  14. 莫沙必利联合氟哌噻吨美利曲辛治疗海员功能性消化不良的临床观察

    Therapeutic Efficacy of Mosapride plus Flupentixol Melitracen for Functional Dyspepsia of Seamen

  15. 莫沙必利联合帕罗西汀治疗功能性消化不良的疗效

    Efficacy of Combination of Paroxetine and Mosapride on the Treatment of Functional Dyspepsia

  16. HPLC-MS/MS法测定人血浆中莫沙必利及其代谢物含量

    HPLC-MS / MS quantitative determination of mosapride and its metabolite in human plasma

  17. 枸橼酸莫沙必利分散片的人体生物等效性

    Bioequivalence of Mosapride citrate dispersible tablets in healthy volunteers

  18. 莫沙必利和聚乙二醇4000治疗小婴儿功能性便秘的临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Mosapride and Polyethylene Glycol 4000 in Treating Infantile Functional Constipation

  19. 枸橼酸莫沙必利口腔崩解片的制备及评价

    Preparation and evaluation of mosapride citrate oral disintegrating tablets

  20. 莫沙必利治疗功能性消化不良102例

    Treatment of 102 Cases of Functional Dyspepsia with Mosapride

  21. 莫沙必利对糖尿病胆囊排空功能障碍患者临床疗效的观察

    The study of clinical effect of Mosapride on gallbladder drainage Dysfunction of diabetic mellitus

  22. 莫沙必利联合奥美拉唑与法莫替丁治疗反流性食管炎的疗效对比观察

    Comparing observation of therapeutic effect in mosapride combined omeprazole or famotidine treating reflux esophagitis

  23. 枸橼酸莫沙必利片治疗糖尿病胃轻瘫48例疗效观察

    Observation of Curative Effect in 48 Patients with Diabetic Gastroparesis Treated with Mosapride Citrate Tablet

  24. 莫沙必利对食管癌术后胸腔胃排空功能的影响

    The Effects of Mosapride on the Function of Intrathoracic Gastric Emptying after Esophagectomy for Cancer

  25. 小剂量多塞平联合莫沙必利治疗功能性消化不良的临床观察

    Mosapride combined with doxepin in functional dyspepsia

  26. 埃索美拉唑、铝碳酸镁和莫沙必利治疗胃食管反流病60例分析

    Clinical analysis of esomeprazole combined with mosapride and hydrotalcite on gastroesophageal reflux disease of 60 cases

  27. 中医养血益气法结合莫沙必利治疗2型糖尿病便秘

    Yiqi Yangxue Chinese medicine combined with mosapride in the treatment of constipation in type 2 diabetes

  28. 枸橼酸莫沙必利与尼莫地平联用治疗糖尿病胃轻瘫的疗效观察

    Observation of Curative Effect in Patients with Diabetogenous gastroparesis Treated with Mosapride Citrate and Nimodipine Together

  29. 兰索拉唑和莫沙必利治疗老年胃食管反流病的临床观察

    Clinical observation of Lansoprazole and Mosapride in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease in elderly patients

  30. 莫沙必利联合选时穴位按摩与心理治疗对便秘型肠易激综合征的影响

    Effects of Mosapride Combined with Acupressure at Selected Time and Psychotherapy on Constipation-predominant of Irritable Bowel Syndrome