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  1. “莫是全明星级别的球员,”布朗说。

    " Mo is performing at an All-Star level ," Brown said .

  2. 点效率可由双膜理论推出,莫夫里效率和全塔效率存在一定的内在关系。

    Local efficiency can be reasoned from Two-Film Theory , and a relation between overall and Murphree efficiencies exist .

  3. 塔板效率包括:点效率、莫夫里效率和全塔效率,它们的值主要受流体多相流动时的动力学体系特性的影响;

    Plate efficiency includes Local , Murphree and overall efficiencies in a distillation column , which are mainly affected by kinetic system performance of multiphase fluid flow .