
  • 网络phytoalexin;bouvardin
  1. 植物抗生素的研究进展

    Advance Study on Phytoalexins

  2. 植物多肽抗生素研究进展

    Progress in The Research of Plant Peptide Antibiotics

  3. 作者就转基因植物中抗生素抗性基因的安全性作一综述。

    Now the safety evaluation of antibiotic resistance genes in transgenic plants is discussed in this paper .

  4. 通过比较植物激素和抗生素对桑树新一之濑试管苗不定芽分化影响的研究,结果显示:6&BA与NAA的比例以20∶1到30∶1都能分化出较多的不定芽;

    The results , which compared effect of phytohormone and antibiotic on the differentiation of adventitious buds in test-tube seedling of Morus alba , show that the concentration ratio of 6-BA to NAA from 20:1 to 30:1 promotes the differentiation of adventitious buds ;

  5. 阿维菌素是目前最有效的杀灭动植物寄生虫的抗生素之一。

    Avermectins are one of the most effective antibiotic pesticides for animals and plants .

  6. 转基因植物中使用抗生素抗性基因作为标记的安全性评价

    The hazard assessment for the use of antibiotic resistance genes as a marker in transgenic plants

  7. 植物生长调节剂与抗生素在种子处理中的应用

    Application of Plant Growth Regulator and Antibiotics in Seed Treatment

  8. 自从十九世纪巴斯德发现大蒜具有一定的抗菌活性后,这方面的研究引起了许多学者的兴趣,大蒜被誉为植物性天然广谱抗生素。

    Since nineteenth century Pasteur found that garlic had some antibiotic activity , many researches have been focused on garlic .

  9. 本试验中,植物提取物可替代抗生素作为断奶仔猪促生长剂使用;植物提取物的推荐剂量为0.02%。

    In this study , phytogenic feed additive can replace antibiotics as growth promoter use in weanling piglets diet and the recommended dose is 0.02 % .

  10. 因此,合理利用开发利用我国丰富的植物资源,用植物提取物替代抗生素,已成为不可避免的趋势,也是当代科技工作者面临的重要课题之一。

    So , to develop and utilize abundant plant resources rationally in our country , and substitute the antibiotic with materials extracted from plant , it is the unavoidable trend and one of the important subjects that the contemporary scientific workers face .