
  1. 早先在所谓传统功夫片中,尽管打斗不息,但距离动作片中的惊险尚远。

    Earlier in the so-called traditional theaters , although the fight went on , but the film moves away from the thrill far from it .

  2. 中华文化传统并不限于功夫、中国菜、中国服饰、或国画。

    The Chinese cultural heritage is more than just kungfu , Chinese food , Chinese dress , or Chinese paintings .

  3. 按照爱情、战争、中国传统文化、功夫和乡愁这五个话题,隐喻表达被分为五类。

    Metaphorical expressions are classified into 5 categories according to the topics of love , war , traditional Chinese culture , Kung Fu and homesickness .