
  • 网络transmission medium
  1. 塑料光纤因具有比石英光纤和铜线电缆优异的性能而成为短距离、中小容量系统的首选传输媒质,并将是光纤到家(FTTH)的理想的终端传输媒质。

    POP , with the superiority that glass optical fiber and cupreous cable can 't provided , will become the first transmission medium for the short-haul , small and medium capacitance communication system , and the idea medium for FTTH .

  2. 数字的或可再生的:插入在传输媒质中的一种设备,它把在媒质中传送的信号进行再生。

    Digital or regenerative : a device inserted in a transmission medium to regenerate a digital signal sent over the medium .

  3. 第二章讨论了微波器件的基本设计理论、设计方法,包括S参数的概念,主要传输媒质特性,及利用微波电路CAD软件进行微波器件设计的方法和途径;

    In the second chapter , the basic design principles and methods of microwave devices are discussed , including the concept of S parameter , the characteristics of transmission line and the microwave circuit CAD .

  4. 自由空间光通信(FSO)是一种可行且非常具有吸引力的通信技术。它以激光为载波,以大气为传输媒质。

    Free space optical communication ( FSO ) is a feasible and attractive technology at present The FSO is a communication technology in which is promulgated through atmosphere and the laser is used as carrier wave .

  5. 光纤同轴混合(HFC)网是目前承载数字电视信号的主要传输媒质,HFC网络能否真正满足数字电视传输网络的要求,需要对HFC网络中数字电视信号性能参数进行测试分析。

    Today hybrid fiber coax ( HFC ) network is the main medium of transmitting digital TV signals , but it is necessary to determine whether HFC can meet the requirements of wideband digital TV signal transmitting by measuring and analyzing the digital TV signal parameters .

  6. 多通讯传输媒质信息家电网络控制器的研究

    Information Appliance Network Controller Based on Multi-communication Media

  7. 为了改善由此造成的系统性能下降,系统传输媒质可以采用色散位移光纤。

    To improve the consequent system performance degradation , system transmission medium DSF can be used .

  8. 在传输媒质存在延时失真的情况下,详细分析了并行数据传输系统的性能。

    In the presence of delay distortion of the transmission medium , the performance of the parallel data transmission system is analyzed .

  9. 无线通信一直是通信领域的热门研究方向,无线信道作为其传输媒质,对通信质量有较大的影响。

    Wireless communication is a popular orientation of communication research ; as the transmission medium , the radio channel has significant influences on it .

  10. 结合光传输媒质的特点、采用无线的接入手段,无线光接入网是解决最后一公里问题经济合理的较佳方案。

    Considering the advantage of optic , using the wireless mode , optical wireless access network is a better method to solve the " last mile " problem .

  11. 红外线作为室内通信无线传输媒质,具有低成本、低功耗等特点。

    As one of the transmission media for short range indoor wireless data communications , Infrared ( IR ) medium has the features of low cost and low power consumption .

  12. 对于空间量子密钥分配系统,其信号的传输媒质是时刻处于运动变化状态的大气。

    For free-space quantum key distribution system and especially the long range link , the transmission medium for the signal is the atmosphere , which is always in a movement .

  13. 用红外线作为室内无线通信传输媒质的红外无线局域网,由于具有成本低、功耗小等特性,现已逐渐被广泛应用;

    Because of the features of low cost and low power consumption , infrared wireless local area networks which use infrared ray as the transmission medium for short range indoor wireless communication have been used widely .

  14. 以光波为载体、光纤为传输媒质的光纤通信具有容量大、传输距离远、功耗低、抗干扰和抗辐射等诸多优点,无疑成为信息高速公路的主流技术。

    Undoubtedly , optical communications has merits such as large capacity , long transmit distance , economizing energy source , anti-interference and anti-radiation and so on . So it has become the mainstream technology of the information super-highway .

  15. 光纤本身即是信号的传输媒质,又是传感元,这使得光纤能很容易组网形成传感网络以实现裂缝分布式监测,尤其适用于裂缝的发生与发展不能预知的情况。

    Optical fiber can both be a transmitter and a sensor , which makes it easy to form fiber optic sensing nets to accomplish crack distributed monitoring , especially where the crack locations are not known in a-priori .

  16. 鉴于光纤必将成为未来信息社会中各种信息网的主要传输媒质,本系统的开发充分利用光纤传输损耗小、抗干扰能力强、传输速率高等优点。

    Whereas fibre-optics will become the main transmission intermedium of information network in the future information times , it has been used in the transmission system because of its leading features of small transmission wastage , strong anti-interfere ability and high transmission speed .

  17. 对于塑料光子晶体光纤而言,它同时兼有塑料光纤和光子晶体光纤的优点,很可能成为短距离、中小容量光纤通信系统的首选传输媒质。

    As far as plastic photonic crystal fiber is concerned , it has the merit of both plastic fiber and photonic crystal fiber , and in all probability becomes the first choice media of short-distance and medium and small capacity optical fiber communication system .

  18. 光纤是光纤通信系统中最基础的传输物理媒质,由于信息传送需求的不断增长,对光纤通信系统提出了新的要求。

    Fiber is the basic transmission media in optical fiber communication systems . There are some new requirements to optical fiber communication systems due to the increase of information transport demands .

  19. 任意吸波材料层反射传输特性与媒质参数关系的研究

    Study on the Relationship Between the Medium Parameters and the Transmission Characteristics of Arbitrary Wave-Absorbing Layer

  20. 983建议,提出了一种基于固定长度的EPON上下行传输帧结构和媒质接入控制(MAC)协议。

    983 about APON , a frame structure and a medium access control ( MAC ) protocal for EPON based on fixed length are given .

  21. 介绍一种新的在HFC上行通道有效传输数据信息的媒质接入(MAC)协议,采用双时隙冲突分解算法对HFC网络竞争信道性能进行分析。

    A protocol for efficient transfer of data over hybrid fiber / cable is introduced . By using two binary tree algorithms , the capabilities of contention channel and delay are analyzed in the HFC network .

  22. 对串行通讯在较强的电磁干扰条件下的传输实时性进行了研究。在传输媒质存在延时失真的情况下,详细分析了并行数据传输系统的性能。

    The real-time property of serial communication under intense electromagnetism interference conditions was researched as a monitoring system of rapid-response servo system . In the presence of delay distortion of the transmission medium , the performance of the parallel data transmission system is analyzed .

  23. ADSL(AsymmetricDigitalSubscriberLine-非对称式数字用户线路)作为一种高速的数据传输技术,主要以铜质电话线为主要传输媒质,已经越来越广泛的应用于各类中小型企业以及家庭中。

    Asymmetric digital subscriber line ( ADSL ) is one of these technologies capable of delivering large bandwidth over existing copper telephone line infrastructure , and it is widely applied in home and enterprises now .

  24. EPON是一个点对多点的拓扑结构网络,下行方向利用广播方式传输,而上行方向采用多个ONU共享传输媒质的多址接入方式。

    EPON is a kind of topological structure network of one point to multi-point , the downstream utilizes broadcast way , and the upstream adopts the way that a lot of ONU share the multi-address access .

  25. 因为光纤通信具有明显的优势:容量大、传输距离长等,所以光纤被作为一种传输媒质应用到接入网中,用以提高接入网的跨度和容量。

    Since optical fiber communication takes advantages of large capacity and long reach , utilizing optical fiber as transmission medium can significantly increase capacity and span of access network .