
  • 网络Propagation Effects;Communication effect
  1. 为避免两级算法产生的误差传播效应,文章将理想SIMO模型等效为加性噪声模型来处理。

    In order to cancel error propagation effects of this new method , we converted the ideal single-input multi-output ( SIMO ) model into an additive Gaussian noise model .

  2. 战场声传播效应分析

    Analysis of the Acoustic Propagation Effects in the Battlefield

  3. 根据生物组织在光谱窗内的光学特性,光学CT利用光在组织中的传播效应来获得组织的生理状态。

    Based on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy ( NIRS ), Optical CT gains optical properties of the tissue by measurements of the NIR light fluence .

  4. 基于环境参数预测的VLF传播效应研究

    Research on VLF Propagation Based on the Prediction of Environment Parameters

  5. 所以,VLF波的传播效应可能成为间接探测宇宙线强度变化的有用工具。

    The propagation effect of VLF wave could become a useful tool of detecting the intensity variation of cosmic rays .

  6. 该算法利用接收端进行分集接收处理来改善V-BLAST系统每层的接收信号,对进一步抵抗V-BLAST系统的误差传播效应取得很好的效果。

    The algorithm improves every layer of received signal of V-BLAST system using receiving diversity precessing of the receiver and better performance against error propagation .

  7. 超声传播效应,电阻-应变效应和应力-磁效应。

    Sensors ultilizing the resistance-strain effect and sensors ultilizing the stress-magnetic effect .

  8. 接受美学与新闻传播效应

    Receptive Aesthetics and Effective of Communication of News

  9. 核爆炸电波传播效应

    Effect of nuclear explosion on radio wave propagation

  10. 广告的文化传播效应

    About the Cultural Transmit Function of Advertisement

  11. 太阳宇宙线的传播效应(Ⅱ)&峰值谱的传播改正

    Propagation effects of solar cosmic rays ( ii ) & propagation correction of peak spectrum

  12. 太阳宇宙线的传播效应

    Propagation effects of solar cosmic rays

  13. 传播效应对干涉仪的影响

    Propagation effect on interferometer correction

  14. 太阳宇宙线的传播效应(Ⅲ)&对氢氦比的影响

    Propagation effects of solar cosmic rays ( iii ) & influence on the ratio of hydrogen to helium

  15. 这种天线具有结构紧凑、干扰少、多路传播效应小、多模式多频段、结构尺寸小等优点。

    This antenna is compact structure , less interference , small multi-path propagation effects , multi-mode multi-band and small size .

  16. 无线信道中的多径传播效应和时变特性极大降低了移动通信系统的性能。

    In wireless communication networks , the performance of wireless links is severely degraded due to multi-path propagation effect and time variance characteristics .

  17. 年后的农村经济改革对招赘婚姻模式的传播效应有非常重要的影响。

    The extent of parental transmission varies between the two periods studied , namely before and after the implementation of rural economic reform in1978 .

  18. 参量声源是一种根据声参量阵原理,利用声波在空气中的非线性传播效应以产生高指向性可听声的新型声源。

    According to the parametric acoustic array theory , the parametric loudspeaker can generate highly directional audible sound using the nonlinear effects of air .

  19. 强化消费者认知,了解消费目的;重视消费者情感需求和口头传播效应,强化口碑营销;二是建立信任机制,以信取胜。

    Pay attention to the emotional needs of consumers , and strengthen the mouth-to-mouth marketing . Secondly , build trust mechanism towin the letter .

  20. 该招聘人员还表示,利用微博的传播效应进行招聘往往会有事半功倍的效果。

    The recruiter says that microblogs can " yield twice the result with half the effort " in helping companies to recruit new employees .

  21. 研究发现,与电子-电子之间的相互作用的非线性相比较,传播效应对拉比振荡的影响更大;

    It is shown that propagation effects have a larger impact on Rabi flopping than the nonlinearities rooted from electron-electron interactions in multiple quantum wells .

  22. 对于室内环境,由于多径传播效应等信道环境的影响,室内无线传感器网络的定位精度受到很大影响。

    For indoor office environment , because of the influence of channel environment such as multipath , the location accuracy of indoor WSN is greatly affected .

  23. 针对误差传播效应问题,提出了可以消除误差传播效应的两级盲辨识算法;

    Fourthly , as for the problem of error propagation effects , a new two-stage blind identification algorithm is proposed which can eliminate the error propagation .

  24. 提出了一种利用空气中超声波非线性传播效应制作的、可产生高指向性可听声的新型声束扬声器。

    A novel audio beam loudspeaker which based on nonlinear propagation effects of ultrasonic in the air to generate audible sound with high directivity is presented .

  25. 在考虑广告和已购者信息传播效应基础上,应用最优控制理论,得出了广告费用的最优控制策略。

    Considering effectiveness of information transmitted by advertisement and adopters , the optimal control policies of advertising spending rate are conducted according to the optimal control theory .

  26. 通过考虑波前扩散、地质条件的影响,设计了消除采集效应和传播效应的保幅算子。

    We fully considered the influences of wave front diffusion , geological condition , designed the amplitude-preserved operator which can eliminate the effect of receivers and propagation .

  27. 为了减小水声通信系统中存在的由于多径传播效应引起的符号间干扰,可在系统中使用线性均衡器。

    To induce inter symbol interference which is due to multipath transmit effect in the water acoustic communication system , linear equalization can be adopted in the system .

  28. 本文主要研究了多路径传播效应中的空间选择性衰落的产生原理及其对超短波地面通信对抗测向试验中的干涉仪测向体制产生的影响。

    This paper studies the generate theory of the space-selection fading in the multi-path propagation effects and its impact on the interferometer system in the ultrashort wave ground direction test .

  29. 这主要表现在传播效应、探测深度和接收信号的信噪比等方面,并且发射频率选择不当也会导致测量精度的降低。

    Different frequencies have significant influence on induction responses , especially on propagation effects , depth of investigation and signal to noise performance , Moreover inadequate frequencies reduce measurement precision .

  30. 但有些买家买下名人碰过物品则是被所谓的名人传播效应影响了——他们确信这件物品仍保留了前主人的精神和触痕。

    But other purchasers of objects touched by a famous person are by so-called : the belief that the thing retains some essence or physical trace of the former owner .