
  • 网络communication
  1. 协调三者的利益失衡,恢复正常的传播沟通,重构新的利益认同,成为组织应对放大器效应的决策方向。

    Coordination of interest of the three , recovering normal communication and reconstruction of new identification should be solutions organizations resort to for amplifier effect .

  2. 公共关系是一种内求团结,外求发展的经营管理艺术(王乐夫);一种管理职能;一种传播沟通行为;一种利益协调机制;一种形象塑造工作。

    Public relations is an inner unity and outside the development , operation and management of art ( Wang Lefu ); a management function ; kind of communication behavior ; a mechanism for coordination of interests ; an image-building work .

  3. 在传播沟通中确立品牌价值

    Establishment the value of brand at the spreading and communicating

  4. 反过来传播沟通覆盖关系的生命周期,是关系管理的本质特征,因此关系管理就是传播管理,关系整合就是传播整合。

    Conversely , considering the fact that communication has covered the whole period of relationship and is the basic feature of relationship management , relationship management can be treated as communication management , so it is with relationship integration and communication integration .

  5. 语言是一门独立的科学,是一种特殊的社会现象,在文化传播和沟通人们思想等方面有着不可替代的作用。

    Language is an independent science and a special social phenomenon .

  6. 信息传播与沟通是公共危机管理的至关重要的工作内容。

    Information dissemination and communication are essential to public crisis management work content .

  7. 这种种行为,加之跨国家、跨经济形态、跨文化的传播和沟通,就是投资促进。

    These acts , coupled with cross-country , cross-economic patterns , cross-cultural communication and communication are the investment promotion .

  8. 在全球化的今天,有效的跨文化交流、传播和沟通已成为推动世界和平与人类发展的重要因素。

    Effective intercultural communication has become one important factor to drive world peace and human being developing on globalization day .

  9. 手机不仅是表面的物质壳体,也是文化的载体、信息的传播与沟通者。

    Mobile telephone is not only a material housing , but also the cultural carrier , information disseminator and communicator .

  10. 银行服务、服务渠道、服务表现、传播与沟通、客户关系建设。

    It includes bank services , services channel , services expression , communication and spread , and the management of customers ' relationship .

  11. 现代企业的运营,不仅依赖于技术、资金的流动,还依赖于信息的传播与沟通。

    Modern operation of enterprise depends not only on the flow of technology and capital , but also on the dissemination and communication of information .

  12. 而近十年以来,以互联网这种新型媒体作为传播和沟通方式的营销模式,正在颠覆以往所有的市场营销观念。

    Over the last decade , the Internet and the new media as a means of communication , marketing communication model , is to subvert all previous marketing concept .

  13. 媒体信息是一种公共资源,理应在突发公共事件出现时起到信息传播、沟通和反馈的作用,最大限度地为增进公共福利而发挥最大效益。

    The media information is a kind of public resources , and it should have effects on the exchange , the feedback and the explanation of the information when the public emergency happens .

  14. 医院公共关系的关键在于抓好以医疗服务质量为中心的医院质量管理,辅以一定的传播与沟通手段。

    The key of the relations between hospital and public lies in the elegant hospital quantity management which centers on medical service quantity and is assisted with certain kinds of dissemination and communication methods .

  15. 随着互联网的全面普及,以传播和沟通为主要手段的政府公共关系发生了新的变化,政府网络公关应运而生。

    With the wide spread of the Internet , new changes have taken place in government public relations , whose main means are spreading and communication , thus government network public relations came into being .

  16. 本研究试图为政府树立良好的自身形象提供理论依据和实践指导,主要结果如下:1、政府形象结构主要包括六个因素:政策、组织、服务、有形载体、作风、传播与沟通。

    The paper tries to provide theoretical gist and realistic guidance to establish favorable government image , with the main results as follows : 1 、 The government image is composed of six factors : policy ;

  17. 艺术还以非强制的方式,在自由平等的交流中认知和教化、组织和激励、传播和沟通,使个体向群体认同;

    Arts also implement , in an unforced way , cognition and instruction , organization and excitation , propagation and communication , in the free and equal exchange for the individual to identify with the collective ;

  18. 应用文作为公共关系传播、沟通和协调的重要工具,能否有利于主体事业发展和社会文明进步,很大程度上取决于体现公关意识程度的高低。

    Whether practical writing , as an important tool of the spread , communication and coordination of public relations , benefits the development of main careers and social progress of civilization , it depends on the standard of the consciousness of public relations for the most part .

  19. 微博作为最流行的社交网络平台之一,在信息和言论传播、用户沟通交流等方面所扮演的角色越来越重要。

    Microblog , one of the most popular social networking platforms , plays an increasingly important role on information spreading and user communication .

  20. 口碑传播作为产品沟通和信息服务的主要途径,对于消费者制定购买决策有很大的影响。

    As a main way to learn the products and service , word-of-mouth ( WOM ) propagation has a great impact on consumers ' decision making .

  21. 标题是新闻的眼睛,是新闻的灵魂和生命,它对传播信息、沟通读者、引导舆论,有着举足轻重的作用。

    Title is the eye of news and spirit and life of the news . It plays an important part in spreading information , communicating with readers and leading public opinion .

  22. 还要从品牌定位、品牌传播、品牌沟通、品牌改进、品牌延伸和品牌保护等角度进行品牌管理。

    Also , on brand management , we should take precautions from the brand positioning , brand spread and brand communication , brand improve , brand extension , brand protection perspective .

  23. 城市是一个复杂的人居环境,但人类往往只关注到它的政治功能和经济价值,而忽略了它作为传播和可沟通环境的社会性。

    The city is a complex living environment . However , people only pay attention to its political function and economic value , and ignore it as a social communication environment .

  24. 因此,要在广告运作中加强信息的支持,在广告传播中构建沟通的平台,提升广告从吸引到说服的力度。

    Therefore , enterprises should strengthen the support of information in the advertisement operation and set up a platform of the communication in the advertisement so as to promote the effect of advertisement from attraction to persuasiveness .

  25. 在开发与营销中应高位立势,全城亮相;品牌开路理念传播,互动沟通高效的推广组合;犀利的广告包装;完整的销售控制以及高效的营销团队。

    In the development and marketing should be established high potential , the city unveiled ; brand concept open communication , interactive communication and promotion of efficient portfolio ; sharp advertising package ; complete the sale of control and efficient marketing team .

  26. 电影作为影像媒介的一种,只需要画面、音乐、手势甚至一个微笑就可以表达它的意思,从而跨越国度、跨越民族、跨越语言达到其传播交流和沟通的目的。

    As a kind of image media , across the countries , nations , and languages , Film can express what it means with only images , music , gesture or even a smile , in order to achieve its purpose of exchange and communication .

  27. 传统的线形传播方式向互动沟通模式飞跃。

    Traditional linear broadcast manner substituted by manner of interactive communication .

  28. 注重公共关系传播,完善协调沟通机制。

    We should pay attention on the spread of public relations , perfect the mechanism of and coordinate and communicate .

  29. 关系营销是国内通信行业的企业普遍采用的营销方式,人际传播作为重要的沟通手段更是不可取代。

    Relationship marketing is the business communications industry , widely used methods of marketing , interpersonal communication as an important means of communication is irreplaceable .

  30. 翻译工作是传播异国文化、沟通民族思想、建立相互联系、促进国际交流的重要手段。

    Translation is an important way to transfer foreign culture , to communicate national thinking , to establish mutual relationship and to promote international friendship .