
huā quán
  • flowery boxing;fancy boxing;showy boxing of no practical use
花拳 [huā quán]
  • [showy boxing of no practical use] 美观而不能用于扑打的一种拳术

花拳[huā quán]
  1. 不要以为武术套路是花拳绣腿,打斗进攻还是有一些套路的。

    Don 't think that Wushu is impractical , the attack or some routines .

  2. 我们又从中国那里借了多少钱,来搞这个花拳绣腿的军演?

    How much money did we borrow from China to have this for show drill ?

  3. 所以,没有雄厚的功力,任何精妙的招式都仅能归为花拳绣腿之列。

    Therefore , not having tremendous skill , any refined column of confessing that style can classify into an exibition boxing all only .

  4. 人们说他们是最好的球队一点提不起我的兴趣,因为他们摆弄花拳绣腿的时候我们正在赢得比赛。

    It doesn 't irritate me that people say they 're the best footballing team because , while they 're doing that , we 're winning games .

  5. 凯特默和他的同事们很快意识到花拳绣腿的技术是无事无补的,和手绘动画一样,故事情节在电脑动画中也起着举足轻重的作用。

    Mr Catmull and his colleagues quickly realised that fancy technology was not enough , and that story-telling was just as vital to computer animation as to the hand-drawn sort .

  6. 因此如果一个人只会摆出漂亮的姿势,却不能结合内在的力量和精神,我们会说他是“花拳绣腿”,没有真功夫。

    Therefore , if one can only make some beautiful poses but without combining the inner strength and spirit , his martial arts are showy but not practical and he has no real Kungfu .