
  • 网络Yiquan;Mind Fist;Mind Boxing
  1. 意拳里的桩功是一种磨炼意志的功夫。

    Stance training is a series to train the will .

  2. 试论中国传统文化对形意拳的影响

    The influence of Chinese traditional culture to Xinyi Quan

  3. 形意拳提高大学生心肺指标的研究

    The Measurement Study of Imitation Boxing to Improves Human Heart and Lungs Function

  4. 形意拳与中国传统哲学

    Xingyi Boxing and the Traditional Chinese Philosophy

  5. 意拳的拳学思想和训练理念有着深远的影响。

    Wang Xiang Zhai Thought some of boxing and training in philosophy has far-reaching impact .

  6. 车式形意拳十分注重技击,是很难学的拳法。

    Che 's kungfu is a fist position difficult to learn , it depends a lot on attacking skills .

  7. 形意十二象形手属于象形取意,是形意拳的一种变化。

    Shape ad impression Twelve shapes hand is a evaluation of Shape and impression boxing , follow its shape and use the impression .

  8. 结论认为:形意拳的国际化发展要打破传统观念束缚下的门派流派制,确立正确的形意拳发展价值观;

    Then , the paper draws out the conclusion that the development of internationalization needs us to break group restrictions and set up correct developing opinion .

  9. 山西形意拳之乡,久负盛名的清宫圣药“远”字牌龟龄集和“远”字牌定坤丹出产于太谷。

    Shanxi Xing Yi Quan village , renowned saint Qinggong medicine " far " plate Guilingji and " far " plate Dingkun Dan produced in Taigu .

  10. 意拳的拳学思想包括浑圆的思想,重视现代科学在拳术中作用的思想,全面认识拳术功能的思想和发展的思想。

    Italy Sincere Thoughts include rounded idea of emphasis on the role of science in boxing thought , boxing features fully understand the ideas and the development of ideas .